Off-brand charcoal. Does anybody else do this??


Ron A

I had bought a bag of off-brand charcoal at Kroger's because it was on sale for something like $2.99 for a 15 lb bag. This was bought the same weekend my WSM 18.5" was delivered, but before I started reading about the differences in the quality and burn rate of charcoal brands. After doing the requisite reading on this board, I realized (as a "noob") I should be using Kingsford. But now I had this 15 lb bag of X-brand. What to do???

So I figured why waste it when it will work perfectly as "starter" briquettes in my chimney (Minion). Since the x-brand charcoal is basically the WSM equivalent of "kindling", I see no need to "waste" a pound or two of the expensive Kingsford just to get the heat/smoke going. Does anybody else do this? Is there any reason why I shouldn't? I've done four smokes so far and have not experienced any problems getting the heat up using the cheap stuff on top of KB. By the time the meat goes on, the cheap briquettes are nothing but ashes.

Is there any down-side to this?
Try a single, partial chimney worth to get a 'look / feel'.
If it passes, use it.

This weekend, we bought one of those 'off brands'... Well, not actually off brand, just private labeled.
Wally World sells their brand, Backyard Grill, that is made by none other than Royal Oak.
So... you never know. May be excellent, may be not. Only way to find out is try it.

You might be interested to trace the pedigree and see who makes it. For example, Royal Oak makes several brands to include the Big Green Egg brand. Your "off brand" may be made by Kingsford, Royal Oak, etc. Who knows. You may have the best thing for the best price. Who says KBB is the be all end all.

