And how many people in NYC do you know who own any type of grill (other than maybe an electric George Foreman or a Panini press?)? Seeking advice on grilling techniques from the NY Times is like seeking advice on birth control from a priest.
Good point Daryl.I've read several articles that indicate that a marinade doesnt get as far into the meat as we think it does and I tend to believe them. I dont think that means we shouldn't use marinades, I just think it doesnt get in the meat that far. But just because it doesnt get in the meat that far, doesnt mean we dont taste it. When we take a bite, the majority of what we taste is the surface of the meat. And for chicken, I think it gets trapped by the skin or something so I tend to taste more.
It's interesting someone brought up carne asada. I typically will grill skirt steak or flap meat with just a dry rub. I find that I like the crust I get and still keep the inside tender. I will also occasionally marinade it and get a different texture and flavor.
I like when people challenge common wisdom. It forces us to think about why we do what we do. It doesnt have to change what we believe or what we do, just make us think about it. It's not about right or wrong, it's about different ways to do things.
And how many people in NYC do you know who own any type of grill (other than maybe an electric George Foreman or a Panini press?)? Seeking advice on grilling techniques from the NY Times is like seeking advice on birth control from a priest.
Wonder if they ever tried Dale's Marinde?
Meathead agrees with the NY Times. Link
Myth: Marinades penetrate deep into meat. Marinades are primarily a surface treatment. Period. End of story.
Marinades, unless they are heavy with salt, in which case they more properly are called brines, do not penetrate meats very far, rarely more than 1/8", even after many hours of soaking.
He goes on to devise a blind taste test that marinaders are challenged to. But he does say that some foods like fish and eggplant do absorb it deeply.
Photos of various meats marinaded for 18 hours in a marinade that included green dye show how little it penetrates.
Sirloin after 18 hours:
Pork chop after 18 hours:
Several more pics at his site.