Not today



TVWBB 2-Star Olympian
It is 83% humidity and 77 degrees at 9:45am on its way to a sunny and humid 90 plus today. I am officially taking the day off of rehabbing today.
I am working on a Silver B green lid and wanted to get it finished today. It is one of those lids that has that extremely hard rough black coating on the inside. I don't what it is that people cook or how they are cooking that causes that, but the previous lid I did had the softer more greasy coating and took me about 20 minutes inside and out. This one is already over an hour with the razor scraper. I haven't even put the steel wool to the inside yet.
81 degrees here we are having a cold wave only going to 85 for the high. By my pool I have an old deck set with an umbrella working on an 1100 for my buddy will start a thread later but I will be working on it most of the day. Not doing the firebox and lid ends today doing a bunch of small pieces, this one should be done next week for him.
LOL. Yah, I am just not used to it and I work on my black driveway with no shade. And this high humidity is terrible. I have the rest of the grill ready to go. All I need to clean up is the lid, then paint and put it all back together.
I have to help the daughter and SIL move today too, so that is going to be enough for the day.
Remember to stay hydrated! Just moving around in those temps and humidity, you'll be dripping in no time. Stay safe out there when helping with the move. Not ER trips!
LOL, I plan on doing more transporting with the pickup and trailer than actually "moving" stuff. But, yah, I know the drill on staying hydrated. 13 years in the Army drilled that into me.
Well, I am at our kind friend's house for the last weekend for my wife and I of living on the road. Starting our 7th week, but this Thursday we go back to Indiana and Friday afternoon we are scheduled to close on our house 🙏 ! Then I will at least have a small shed/shop building. Thanks to Bruce (and a couple crazy purchases I have made since coming to Chicago area:sneaky:) I will have some stuff to start working on including a COOL Weber Jr. My massive backlog of other projects will have to wait until I arrange a return trip to Florida. Need to figure out shed space before I do that.

I am trying to get used to this Midwest summer weather:oops:. Gorgeous one day and then giving Florida a run for the money the next. Today it is the same temperature outside Chicago as it is in my former home Hobe Sound, FL! But last night I sat out on our friends' deck for quite a while just soaking in and enjoying the perfect temperature and NO BUGS! I hardly ever sat on my small deck in FL. Either too hot or being eaten alive by miserable sand flees that came out during twilight every morning and evening. (We called them "No-See-Ums!")

Pace yourself, everyone! I turned 60 this past April, and I am realizing I can't do what I did when I was 25. Water is best, but have some Southern Ice Tea now and then, too🥤.

Jon & Weber Final.jpg
Jon, ain't that the truth turning 67 in October and the energy level forget 25 it's less than when I was 60. Had to move my daughter out of Auburn last weekend not much furniture to move, she had a couple of guy friends living there had one more year of school left. I hired them to load the van up with the furniture, my back is just shot does not bother me unless I am doing some heavy lifting.

Got home my son in law came over with one of my best friends a spry 55 year old and they unloaded the furniture and brought it upstairs.
Yep, there is a grill rehab moratorium for me today. Things are looking better into next week.


* WHAT...Heat index values from around 100 to 105 expected.

* WHERE...Portions of central, southwest and west central
Wisconsin, north central and northeast Iowa and southeast

* WHEN...From noon today to 8 PM CDT this evening.
Now you know why I quite flipping grills! I'm 72 and have parts of my body that ache like hell that I didn't even knew I had after working a couple hours on a rehab.
We are in the start of the monsoon season in AZ. Nice and sunny and killer humidity at 80+% a few minuets later rain blowing sideways and looking out from the house at the street sidewalk to sidewalk completely covered, the street looks like a river. 10 minuets later sun is back out and the humidity is so high the air looks like fog. Ten minuets later repeat the same scenario. Not an environment I want to work outside in.
Going on cruise control now, relaxing and watching life go by in the comfort of our air conditioned house.
I did sell two Weber gassers last month and my WSM and Cart. But the Skyline has been on for about 40 days and nothing not even an inquiry. I'll sit on it through the winter if I have to and hope the economy is better in the spring.
Now you know why I quite flipping grills! I'm 72 and have parts of my body that ache like hell that I didn't even knew I had after working a couple hours on a rehab.
We are in the start of the monsoon season in AZ. Nice and sunny and killer humidity at 80+% a few minuets later rain blowing sideways and looking out from the house at the street sidewalk to sidewalk completely covered, the street looks like a river. 10 minuets later sun is back out and the humidity is so high the air looks like fog. Ten minuets later repeat the same scenario. Not an environment I want to work outside in.
Going on cruise control now, relaxing and watching life go by in the comfort of our air conditioned house.
I did sell two Weber gassers last month and my WSM and Cart. But the Skyline has been on for about 40 days and nothing not even an inquiry. I'll sit on it through the winter if I have to and hope the economy is better in the spring.
Rich, that Skyline would be sold if it was up here. Is Prescott Valley a larger metro area or is it close to one?
I'm learning from you guys, (slowly lol) My DH works out in our driveway redoing Marine Generators. Now I know he is "flipping" lol.
Yah, he is a "Flipper".
Yep, gonna be 69 come October and I thought 60 was a little "tough" but holy shyt this year is saying "you ain't seen nuthin yet hold my beer". Ugh! Almost thought I had to take a trip to the E Room last night. Been having a terrible pain in upper right gut comes on at night. In the AM gone. Don't know WTH is going on.
Only good thing to come of all this CV19 and my bad health is it got me out of jury duty. Dr. does not think I should serve
Rich, that Skyline would be sold if it was up here. Is Prescott Valley a larger metro area or is it close to one?
We are in what is called "the quad city" area. Consisting of four towns Prescott, Prescott Valley, Chino and Dewey Humboldt.
About 58K population. The only large city nears us is Phoenix which is about 100 miles away. Flagstaff is north of us about 80 miles away but isn't near the size of Phoenix.
The problem is where were at is mostly retired folks. Also with the Coved going on a lot of folks aren't working again. This areas main thing is it's a tourist destination so lots of restaurants and bars especially in Prescott. Well with the restaurants and bars closed the Phoenix folks that come up here to get away from the heat aren't coming.
On CL we are included with Phoenix and Flagstaff, one of the grills I sold was to a guy from Flagstaff.
Just looked at your Skyline on CL. It looks a lot better than the Skyline for sale here in LV and at a much better price. Also there is a Platinum Series II and a NG Silver C listed here too, but they are not moving due to price and like down your way, lots of people furloughed or out of work. Tough times for areas reliant on tourism.

