Noob Bros 3rd Smoke (Brisket Overnighter)

Chicken finished up in about 1.5 hours at 225-250.


Moist and delicious



So I know Bob is going to ask ...

Flavor was great but truth is the flat is too dry. Not sure if it was the smoke or the resting that dried it out. Not terrible eating but not top notch. :)

We drizzled some beef broth over it just to help it out at bit.

But great flavor.
I had the same thing with mine. I let it rest for about two hrs, it was done early, dry on the flat and a little burnt on the bottom on the first quarter of the flat. I let her get to 199I.T. on the thick part of the flat, maybe pull it a little earlier.
Good article, Danny. Thanks. Looks like you rested correctly... "unfoiled". One commonly sees people using the term resting when in fact they are wrapping the meat, at cooking temperature, and placing it in a quasi Campro / cooler for holding. It's not resting, but rather it's still cooking due to carry-over and could be for hours !

