No Pots & Pans Sunday Chicken Dinner


Bob Correll

R.I.P. 3/31/2022
Another great reason to grill the whole meal, clean up is a snap!

The anticipation of getting a bite of grilled chicken skin was running high.

KFC style bird.
Thighs water rinsed, and 'floured' in a mix of Andy's red Fish breading and seasoned flour.



Plattered. (spell check says that isn't a word)

My own cayenne pepper mix and grated Asiago on the maoyed corn and sour creamed potato.


With my belly full of a fine chicken dinner, it was lights out!

ps, it was hard to give up a piece of that crispy skin, but Brooke did get one bite.

TY for stopping by!
Looks great, luv da pup too, I have 2 of my own, Boston Terriers. Bob, is the Andy's Red Fish breading and seasoned flour available or is there a recipe for it? Looks tastey.
Thanks Gene!

Not sure if Andy's is available in MD.
It's made here in St Louis, but several members, from other areas, are finding it in their grocery stores.

A mix of cornmeal, flour, and spices will work fine for KFC.
Spray the breaded chicken with Pam before grilling.

I see that you're a dog trainer (on Kim's post).
I've often thought about trying to train a Lab to sniff out morel mushrooms.
Looks AWESOME Bro! Perfection on a plate right there. She sures is cute.(yea talkning bout the dog)

Been slacking alot lately. But im always get some inspiration from your posts. Hug the family
Great looking dinner and yellow lab! We've got a 13yr old yellow lab that follows me around like my shadow during cooks.

I can practically hear him thinking the whole time, "drop it..drop it.. drop it."
Fantabulous meal Bob! Chicken looks superb and that mix looks great on the corn. Is it just cayenne or did you add something else to it?
Bob, your KFC looks fantastic! Nice touch of cayenne & asiago on the corn. Wouldn't have thought of doing that.
Great looking chicken and I have seen the guilty lab look a few times!!
Mine always guilts me into some leftovers!

Great cooking and great pictures Bob!!
Brooke and I thank you all for the kind comments!!

I think Brooke has a twin in AK!

Mike C,
I was recently reading about the purported health benefits of cayenne pepper, and I like to try to offset some of my bad habits.

Here's my pepper mix. (mainly made from mixes)

1 TBS. Penzey's Chicago Steak Seasoning
1 TBS. Weber's Steak & Chop seasoning
1 TBS. Montreal Steak Seasoning (ground up a bit more in a coffee grinder)
1 teaspoon garlic powder
2 teaspoons cayenne powder

this is a heavy dose of cayenne, 1 teaspoon would tame it down to a more normal level.
how did i miss this post?

great lookin' chicken Bob!
the corn i'll bet was AWESOME!
Fantastic photo of Brooke

