No butts in Norway .....


Tormod Eikill

TVWBB Member
Hi, the butchers in Norway seem to cut the pork differntly than in the US. They don't cut the shoulder on the front leg (or "plum", as they call it. Instead, they cut the neck in one big piece. Will that be an equivalent to pork butt?
I'm not sure, but these charts (see link) may help your butcher to identify what we call a butt, and (if he's cooperative) maybe even to cut one for you. Meat charts
If there's a pig, there's a butt. Find someone with a pig and a knife and tell them what you want. I have to believe that even in Norway, someone calling themselves a butcher would be willing to cut you a piece of meat the way you want. Take him/her that chart from the link Larry provided and get a butt.

If with the chart you can tell that the big piece their selling is a butt plus extra meat, I bet it would work to treat it like a butt and cook the entire piece and pull it.

