I honestly after looking at those close ups don't see any real issues with the fire box. The issue with the Summits wasn't the material but the material combined with compound curves causing the porcelain to expand/contract at conflicting rates, cracking and once it cracked it was "all she wrote". I don't see that issue here.
Of course I am not an engineer (though I play one on TV) but I really don't see issues here. I could really see this thing being a great cooking appliance and really bringing true innovation to the outdoor cooking scene more than anything since the true Weber Genesis. I'd say next in innovation is the new Weber Summit. With the top down IR burner that thing looks like another game changer.
IMO everything else in the gas grill arena (regardless of name) is an "also ran". Nothing innovative. Simply "same ol same ol" generic burners under a grate. Yawn.
This (other than a Summit which is WAY over the top for me) is truly a product I could see myself actually wanting to buy