Nice article on Santa Maria style barbecue


Chris Allingham

Staff member
Sunset Magazine, Aug. 2013, has a nice article and photos about Santa Maria style barbecue. Great story about the old guys at the Elks Lodge grilling sirloin over red oak. Restaurant suggestions in the area, too.

The West's Best (Unsung) BBQ Town
In and around Santa Maria, CA, succulent oak-grilled barbecue is a way of life. So why isn't it better known?
Interesting read, thanks Chris!

I was at Costco today and they have a Santa Maria style grill, USA made, for $199.
Very tempting!
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I attended one of the Santa Maria Elk Club's BBQ's in 1986. It was great. The massive pit was unbelievable, completely filled with hot coals from oak firewood. Still clearly remember it almost 30 years later.
these pits and that syle of cooking is basically all they have around here. don't think its just santa maria only.
this area has been cooing like that like forever.
Interesting read, thanks Chris!

I was at Costco today and they have a Santa Maria style grill, USA made, for $199.
Very tempting!

You probably couldn't buy the steel for less than that! Post a pic if you see it again. Is it John Solak that has the SM grill?

now I want tri tip!
Thanks Chris, for the heads up on the article. Had a SM grill once, burned it up. Would like to gey another one.
You probably couldn't buy the steel for less than that! Post a pic if you see it again. Is it John Solak that has the SM grill?

now I want tri tip!

I have a SM Grill and I'll bet its the same grill Bob saw at his Costco. I highly recommend them. They aren't as easy to cook on as a Weber and it does take more tending to but the food coming off of them is amazing!! They make the best TT and Chicken IMO!!
Interesting read, thanks Chris!

I was at Costco today and they have a Santa Maria style grill, USA made, for $199.
Very tempting!

I've always wanted a Santa Maria style grill and would have jumped on it for $199, unfortunately they're not available here in N.J. and not online either. Ugh!

