New Year Rib Roast


Robert T

I know most of you made this on Christmas Day. So did I but in the oven so no post. For New Years made a rib roast on the OTS, so here we go.

Rubbed with salt, pepper, garlic powder and onion powder

Set up the grill for a shorter hot cook with no wood chunks.

Pulled off the grill at 125,and covered with foil. Kept the probe in and by the time we sliced it it had risen to 144. This was somewhat unexpected and may be the reason I can never get rib roasts medium rare!

Heated the bread

Sliced up the roast

Plated with a baked potato, some of the French bread and a little horseradish. Didn't get the bow tie pasta in the pic but it was a nice side.

Thanks for looking at my first cook of 2014. Happy New Year to all!
Roger that is a perfect doneness for me, gorgeous roast. I no longer foil immediately when it comes off because of what you saw. A twenty degree rise is high. I sit it on the counter and when I see the temp stop rising I then foil and let it rest. This way I see usually about 5-10 rise tops. I do foil pretty quick with steaks and thinner cuts.

