NEW WSM owner


Sammy John

New member
I picked up a 2013 22.5 WSM off Craigslist. $200.00 with a cover.

So I have been cleaning, ordered gaskets and the SS door. First cook next weekend.

So my question, with the the water pan, is the temp more even across the top grate? It was NOT on a 55g drum smoker (UDS).

Look forward to learning and cooking on my WSM.
Theres no major hot spots if thats what youre asking, you can potentially put something on, walk away and come back to finished meat
Not only are the temps even across the top grate, but pretty much between the top & lower grate also. I cooked 8 pork butts last year (4 on each rack) and 4 of them were done when I checked. And not 4 from the same rack either, but 2 from each rack. You did good with that price and you'll love the SS door from CB.
Every smoker I'm familiar with has one or more hot spots, and the wsm's hotspot is the perimeter of the grate outside of the pan. It really doesn't hurt much in the case of a full grate of pork butts, but any chicken pieces or ends of rib slabs around the edge of the grate will be overcooked by the time meat in the middle is done. Chad makes a good point though, so use it as a solution. In other words, don't cram the top grate full when you can cook just as good on the bottom one as well. Congrats on your find. Good deal.

