New WSM Owner!


Andy K

TVWBB Member
Well- I can say the BBQ bug bit me pretty hard on the last couple weeks after having some pretty good BBQ served-up by my sister via an electric smoker. Being that I'm a pretty competitive brother, I figure- if she did that, than I can can do better! Despite being competitive, I must say, her BBQ was pretty darn good- better than some places I paid to eat at! Noentheless, I've been looking at Craigslist for a smoker while debating the idea of a new smoker and the size - 14" or the 18.5". Being somewhat cheap, I decided I'd keep sleeping on the idea of a new WSM and continue the search for a used WSM. Over the past week while debating, I realized there's a whole world dedicated to Weber grilling and more specifically, the world of WSM! However, I didn't find any used WSMs for sale in the tristate area- at least not in the price I'd pay for a used one! But, I did find this great website for Webers and dove head first into the world of Weber. As a result of this site and Craigslist, I unexpectedly got a Q100 and Spirit 310 ('09 version) off of Craigslist for what I feel were fair deals. Now, I didn't consider these a few weeks ago, but I've always wanted a Q- just couldn't justify the $$$ and never thought of Craigslist for something like the Q or even a grill. Nonetheless, Since the Spirit is in really great shape, I can fix the Spirit up as a replacement grill for my Mom as a replacement for her decrepit CharBroil and the Q for myself and wife for tailgating and on-the-go type stuff. (I always feel better when I can justify it and the Mom feels better knowing I was frugal with a good value… win-win)

But today while looking at HD for a replacement part, I saw the WSM 18.5 for $30 off the normal price. Let me just say that this was a total splurge. I thought I'd give CL a try despite my eagerness to get into the smoke business and not go brand-new. But I took it as providence when I saw the price!

Despite the recent build-up of grills, I've been an advocate of Weber for the past 13+ years due to my Silver B being such a great grill! I swear by Weber but it's only been the past few years that I've thought that I'm missing something in my grilling thus I've looked at the idea of smoke. Since we love BBQ taking this step seemed to be a natural step but it's always seemed like something only for the pros. But like I said, realizing my family could make great tasting BBQ in an electric coupled with my discovery of this great resource- I realized that great BBQ is clearly achievable in my own hands! But I needed the right tools! (Being a handy person, I've come to recognize a person can do a lot with the right tool!)

So today I eagerly join the ranks of WSM owners and look forward to the endless recipes and possibilities that await me! I'm excited to have both the smoker and this forum to create some of the best BBQ my wife and I have ever had!
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Your going to have lots of fun using the wsm.
Have plenty of beer and your camera charged.
Great post dude! Welcome to the WSM crew :)
Like Tony said, have plenty of beer and your camera ready. Oh ya, and have FUN!
Thanks guys! I'm looking forward to it- there's a lot on this site to get through and "digest" before I do my first cook!
Welcome Andy and congratulations! I say just dive on in, the only thing you need to digest is the delicious BBQ that you make! The WSM is pretty user friendly. Fill up the charcoal ring, pour some lit on top of that, and then drop on a pork butt. No need to over think it. I think you'll love it!
" I must say, her BBQ was pretty darn good- better than some places I paid to eat at!"

You said it right, I think you will find the home Q always better
Welcome to the site
Ahhhhh. The Cooking section of the site has some easy recipes for breaking in your new WSM which will Yeild some amazing food.
Andy, welcome to Smokin!
Your Weber will repesent you in the throw down battle with Sis very well......I want to know how your guna handle giving her the news. Will there be a Throwdown?
Throw on a Renouned Mr Brown and don't be scared. I would sugest getting a Maverick or some unit to help you in the long smokes.
Keep us posted...with pictures of course!
Looking forward to hearing more from you.....
Welcome aboard Andy and welcome to the world of the WSM. If I had one piece of advice for you (OK maybe a couple) it would be, to start off with, pick a recipe from the cooking section, and follow that to get the hang of your new cooker. Learn how to control your temps, sit back and enjoy. Remember it's BBQ, 5, 10, 15 degrees one way or the other won't ruin it, and's done when it's done and there are no silly questions! Good Luck!
Thanks for everybody's encouragement! I see a challenge in the future on the BBQ between her and I but I need to get some cooking under the proverbial belt before I bring it up. I have to get it put together and light her up to get the newness knocked off of her. I'm thinking about smoking bacon and anything else that can produce a lot of grease. Pretty stoked about it!
Well, I couldn't wait till the weekend to put and fire the WSM up… I realize that I'll need to get into the coal and wood business now! I used what coal I had KBB and let it run dry for awhile and then there on what bacon I had in the fridge… I'd like to throw some meat on this weekend so tomorrow I'm going to fire it again and do either more bacon or chicken- something greasy… maybe a whole roaster… I also realized that the smoke is no joke! I smell like I've been at a bone fire all day! It's a good smell, but one I'm not use to with the gasser! One thought, if you use water- does it make more sense to use boiling water? Seems like it does. But I think I'm going to cover the water pan in foil and just run dry. And type of heat sink will still require more energy to heat up that running a dry pan. .
Well, I couldn't wait till the weekend to put and fire the WSM up…

Andy... I like your style !

Just some food for thought... Loads of meat makes for an excellent heat sink. If you aren't having temperature issues, why waste coal on heating water... Just say'n
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So I'm cooking ribs this eve- wasn't feeling the fryer and the bacon os ok- but I might as well cook something bigger if I'm using the coal! I can't really mess anything up since it's just meat and I'm not cooking for money!
Ok- the ribs came out better than expected! I found that I want to rush the process and not respect the fact that it's done when it's done. I did notice a bit of a stall at the 4 hour mark- I assume it was ash since I raised one leg of the WSM let it drop down (same affect as kicking the leg I suppose) i did that a couple times per leg and heard a shifting of coals and noticed the heat pick up.

Playing with the vents really is a lot of work! But in the end, I made my first rack of ribs that the bones just fell out! I've never gotten to that level with my gasser in the 13+ years!

Now it's onto a pork butt! I need to find a recipe and an easy method to use!

