New: Weber Floor Protection Mat

Not that there's anything wrong, but the patio looks like it is indoors in a studio. There is not a spot on anything. All the highlights and shadows are perfectly controlled for a sunny, daytime shot. The pavers on the side look temporary.
Not that there's anything wrong, but the patio looks like it is indoors in a studio. There is not a spot on anything. All the highlights and shadows are perfectly controlled for a sunny, daytime shot. The pavers on the side look temporary.
Seems oddly critical to me, but what do I know. It’s a mat, a small mat at that.
Yeah, it's probably a studio set. Pretty much all of the photography that Weber does is contrived in one way or another.
We all advertise for companies. Anyone going by my house knows I’m a Dodge guy, I’ve got Dodges new and old tucked into any corner I can fit them in. Walk around back and it’s more Dodges, and Weber’s, my shirts are Dodge or Weber related, or Broncos.

I guess it all jives with my hoard....err collecting. 🤣

And agreed on the covers. The cover available in 2018 for my red LE was great, until it finally faded some and a little worse for wear. The new replacement and the ones for the rest, wow. Holding up so far but that one loop doesn’t leave much confidence and it blows right off of the GB 26.
It's .1" x 31.5" x 47.2", so could put a 22" kettle along the short edge and stand on it.

I'll consider it if i could put a hot chimney on it.
The expectation (or tolerance) is there for branding on things like clothing and vehicles. But a 3rd party like a dealer piling on with their own badging like a parasite?...not on my ride. That would be like Target stitching their logo on my Samsonite luggage just because I bought it from them.
I’m with you on this. I’m fine with logo’d sportswear and most other things except car dealer badges and license plate frames.
It’s a mat, a small mat at that.
"It is interesting to note that Weber sells this mat in the U.K. in two sizes: 120 x 80 cm (same as the U.S. 47.2″ x 31.5″ mat) and a larger 180 x 100 cm version (70.9″ x 39.4″). In my opinion, the larger version would be better for gas grill owners, as drips and spills usually occur around the grill, not under it. Maybe Weber will offer the larger version in the U.S. at a future date."

It is not fireproof, hot coals will burn through it alarmingly fast, no need to ask how I know. It is ”heat resistant” whatever that means, it sure can handle some heat but primarily it protects the deck from oil and marinade spills, you get som extra seconds to pick up glowing coal but that is all.
I bought this , slightly cheaper, but still doesn't like hot coals. Still stops any grease marking the floor.

There are some others that pretend to be fireproof.

