New (Old) Genesis 1000


Kate Ch

New member
I just acquired this grill for free. It does not have a tank. The model number on the underside is a little faded, but seems to say "21000", and googling images seems to confirm that is correct. (EDIT: after some more googling a little more, it's clearly a "Genesis 1000" type of Weber, if that matters.)

In various places, there are comments about "LP tanks", like how to not store a spare next to the grill. So is it safe to assume I need to acquire a regular ol' propane tank?

Here is my grill:


Here is the connection:


Here is a close up of the connection:


Thanks. I'm just a little nervous about explosions and being burned beyond recognition and blinded and stuff like that.
Yes, should be a regular propane tank. I keep my spare tank next to my grill. Am I going to die?
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Propane tanks are made with safety in mind. The fact that the valve is surrounded by a cylinder at the top is a key safety feature. No, you won't have any explosions as long as you light the grill with the lid RAISED. Other than that, it's really no different than the burners on your stove! Safer than charcoal too, a lot of charcoal accidents happen when people throw away hot coals and start a fire. Just be smart, and you'll be safe.
Yep a regular standard 20# tank is what you want. You can get them at Costco, Home Depot, Lowes or you get them at many other places if you want to just do exchanges.
Here the tanks empty at Costco are $25 and less than $9.00 to fill it.
The important things to look at our the connections to the manifold, the regulator hose and the condition of the burners and crossover tube. Also the ignitor.
Never ever try to light the grill with the lid closed.

If you're planning to do a rehab on it there are many threads on here that can guide you along. We are a friendly group and if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask, someone will have the answer you need.

And last of all welcome to the forum.
By the way, that is a great grill! The 1000 (yours) has the 13 flavorizer bar setup inside, under the grates. I've had a Silver B and now have a 2000, and I definitely prefer the 13 flavorizer bar setup. Enjoy the grill!
Your regulator looks pretty clean and I don't see any issue. Just get a decent LP tank and you will be good to go!

That grill looks like a definite winner to me! Love the color, the 13 bar box and the fact that all the trays look to be present. Some elbow grease, paint and a few parts and you will have a way above average classic Weber:cool:!
Yep, that is a good grill right there. You might look for someone trying to get rid of an old LP tank. Or someone willing to sell one for $10. They will cost about $30 new in the store. If you were near me, I would give you one. I have 9 or 10 laying around. Even if it is a nasty looking tank, just take it to a walmart and do the LP exchange where you exchange your empty tank for a full one for about $15.00. Then you have a nice new looking Full tank.
Thanks all. Yes, it appears to be in perfect condition, really. A little bird poop on the burner control panel, but no rust or anything anywhere, and every part seems to be in perfect shape.

I will give an extra look to the connections to the manifold, the regulator hose and the condition of the burners and crossover tube as suggested, but upon first glance, literally nothing looks worn or loose.

I think I scored!

