*NEW* Maverick ET-732

I just tried mine for the first time the other day. Generally speaking, it's totally worth the money. I did not have an ET-73 so I can't really comment on those comparisons.

The only legitimate criticism I have right now is that the wires seem kind of short to me. Then again, I haven't modified my smoker for any type of easier probe insertion (insert giggle here). I usually just thread the wire through the top vent. Still, compared to my other probe (a wired Taylor TruTemp), I wish the probe wires were longer.

I also don't know yet about the barbecue/grate probe. It seemed a little inconsistent compared to the gauge on the lid. What I mean is that the differences were not consistent. At times it was only a few degrees different, and other times the difference was greater. BTW, call me stupid but should the temp at the grate be higher than the lid or vice versa. Anyway, being that I've only used the 732 once, I'm not deeming this a legitimate concern just yet.
I totally agree that the probe leads on the ET-73 and new 732 are too short. I hope that an engineer with Redi-Check reads this and decides to include longer leads as standard equipment with each unit.
I also use a Guru Digi-Q, and as standard lengths, each probe lead is well over twice as long as the ET-732.
Yeah, they are all just trying to hit that sweet spot. You have to know the margin on this stuff is pretty slim. A few cents here and there can make a difference in moving millions of units in a wholesale buy.

Ah, the life of a salesman (not me but I sympathize).

My brother is in the wholesale sales business and has run into distributors where he has offered them the 300 dollars or so to pay them the difference in cash out of his own pocket to give what it makes to get the deal on what amounts to rail car loads of material.

Thing is with Maverick is if you call them or read the manuals they often have a "probe option" for an upgrade. This is how they get around the over counter price target vs performance for those who care. Don't know that Redi Check does that.

They (Maverick) did that with the ET73, and for $20 you could buy a set of high heat long length probes for that unit. Which I did and is why I'm still using my ET-73
First of all, why are there so many different threads on the 732? That seems to be a prevalent issue though with the VWB forums. There are many threads on the same topic. I find this very frustrating. Things would be so much better if folks would just do a search, and contribute to an already existing thread.

Anyway, that's not why I'm posting today. I did not get a grate clip for my smoker temp probe so I called Maverick. During that conversation (which was great--clip is being mailed), I found out a couple of interesting tidbits. First, as somebody here alluded to, Maverick sell longer length probes. However, they do not YET have them for the 732. The good news though is that they are expecting to have them by June, so as early as next week.

Also, I happened to ask if it were possible to use 2 meat probes (assuming I purchased a 2nd meat probe) instead of 1 meat probe and 1 for the internal smoker temp. The rep I spoke with emphatically stated that this adaptation would work. I was kind of surprised being that I hadn't heard of that possibility yet, but she seemed pretty sure.

Anyone heard of this? Anyone try it? I'll definitely give it a shot but I won't be purchasing an additional 732 meat probe until the longer ones are available.
Originally posted by S Thakkar:
Also, I happened to ask if it were possible to use 2 meat probes (assuming I purchased a 2nd meat probe) instead of 1 meat probe and 1 for the internal smoker temp. The rep I spoke with emphatically stated that this adaptation would work. I was kind of surprised being that I hadn't heard of that possibility yet, but she seemed pretty sure.

Anyone heard of this? Anyone try it? I'll definitely give it a shot but I won't be purchasing an additional 732 meat probe until the longer ones are available.

Thanks for the info on the longer probes! I will look into this next month.

As far as 2 meat probes, I would be surprised if it did NOT work. The only difference is in how they are shaped for the pit or going into the leat. The electrical part is the same.
S Thakkar - couple of points

The Maverick posts are long, broad and varied. On this site, unlike many others there's much less focus on research before posting and less busting of stones on whether a poster has done searches, and various research before you post.

In the end, I prefer it since by not focusing on resource, process, etc and focusing on the question at hand there's better dialog that educates rather than scolds someone for not going through or understanding proper process before posting.

Repetition often helps educate and can also expose areas that might not have been hit during previous discussion.

I'd rather someone not reply or ignore the topic if it's repetitious to them for example (that's what I do).

That said - in my conversations with the manufacturer on several occaisions I have (and posted so) mentioned that you can sub the pit an food probes.

There is a convenience factor though in that the pit temp probe head lends itself better to mounting in a standoff, etc. as it is not typically inserted into anything and is hanging in the air so to speak. No need for that (pit tmp) probe head to be long or pointed for piercing. It can be shorter and blunt, etc.

So sure you can use two meat probes and use one as a pit probe. In the end they both measure the same. The specific purpose is what defines the head, length, tip type of the probe used for pit temp vs food temp.
Originally posted by r benash:
S Thakkar - couple of points

The Maverick posts are long, broad and varied. On this site, unlike many others there's much less focus on research before posting and less busting of stones on whether a poster has done searches, and various research before you post.

In the end, I prefer it since by not focusing on resource, process, etc and focusing on the question at hand there's better dialog that educates rather than scolds someone for not going through or understanding proper process before posting.

Repetition often helps educate and can also expose areas that might not have been hit during previous discussion.

I'd rather someone not reply or ignore the topic if it's repetitious to them for example (that's what I do).

First, nobody's busting stones. I was merely expressing what I still feel is a valid point; that there are too many threads on a particular topic. I think that the primary purpose of a forum like this is that it's an excellent resource of information. When you have multiple small threads on one very specific topic, it makes it more frustrating to find the answers you're looking for. I think many people on this forum would agree with that. To each his own I guess.
Seem to pick up a bit of offense. If so, not intended.

What some folks have done here is taken the lead and posted compilations from their searches.

There's no full time people to clean things up.

You make a good point.
Originally posted by r benash:
Seem to pick up a bit of offense. If so, not intended.

Nope, none taken. You bring up a different perspective that I'm sure some others share, but that's all I took your comments to be. Either way, it's all good. Thanks.
I just received the Maverick ET-732. The probes are too short (as compared to BBQ Guru or a Polder dual probe thermometer), they don't fit in the Guru eyelets (since the crimped flanges are too big), the controls are much more complicated than either the Guru or Polder, and I am only getting intermittent signals despite the fact that the smoker is 15 feet outside my door. Maybe I got a bad one, but I am not impressed in the least.

