Originally posted by j biesinger:
A range works so the therm can read in that range and your fine. So we agree...right?
And I agree that its critical to know grate temp when attempting cooks below 225* dome. As you mention upthread things can go wrong if you're incorrectly assuming things are hotter than they appear. But I think most of us have abandoned cooking at extremely low temps.
When cooking with either the standard or minion method... with top vent fully open and bottom three vents at 25% or even 50%... the WSM lid thermometer will read well below 225F. It would likely read 195-205F. And yeah, that had me concerned... but now that I've measured temps "the old fashioned way"... I feel a lot more confident.
As for agreeing or not... do you consider 205F "in that working range"? I don't. My point and your point are mutually exclusive of each other.
My point: The WSM lid reading is "wrong". It consistently reads lower than even the actual top grill temp... and well below the lid temp as measured by most via longer probe through the top vent. I'm suggesting 2009 WSM newbie owners to measure through the top vent with a probe because the WSM lid thermo at 205F is actually "OK"! It's part of the process of learning the gear.
Your point: BBQ doesn't rely on an exact temp, a range of temperatures work between 225 and even higher temps like 300F are fine. The important part is to truly understand when your meat is done and not rely on a certain time at a certain temperature.
So yes, I agree with both mutually exclusive points.
And J... no firestorms here my bbq brother. I absolutely love the feedback in this thread and appreciate your points!