Need some feedback please...summit gold D6

Just an FYI, but it's often kind of difficult to make money restoring and flipping a Summit. Things will get kind of pricey if you have to start replacing parts, and like it or not, it's difficult to find people who will shell out $400+ on a 15 year old grill no matter what the condition.

That said, before you get too far into ordering parts and spending money, I'd remove everything from the cook box as Stephen talked about, clean it up and give it a very close inspection. The front of the cookbox on Summits tend to rust/corrode where the burner tubes stick through.

The Flavorizer bars on Summits are much thicker than on Genny's, and it doesn't look like your's have thinned out much at all. Check the weld points where each bar lays across the center bar. If you are lucky, you won't have to replace them, just give them a good cleaning. IF all the bars are still thick and heavy, but one/some of the welds are broken, find someone local to tack weld them back.

The bottom panel should be available from Weber and they only charge $7 for shipping. I'd call and then compare their overall pricing with that of Ereplacements and ApplianceParts. Be sure to include the shipping costs in the comparison.

I know you are excited about it, but I really would slow down, take a real close look at everything on that Summit, figure out what must be replaced, how much it will cost, and decide whether it would be worth it. You could easily end up going in the hole really quick. Not trying to scare you away from it, just trying to watch your back for ya. :-)

It is really easy to go out of control with a project like this!
Good advice given. A lot depends on whether you hope to flip for profit or just want a big grill for yourself. If for you, then you need to think of how much you are willing to invest in a "free" grill. Take it from someone who has not one, but TWO, current generation Summits and not too sure I will ever be able to get even one functional.
The grill is SOLID...The only bad spot is the bottom shelf below doors. No other rust anywhere. It will easily clean up well. The flavorizer bars are just dirty. Honestly the grill looks like it was only used on the right side. The previous owner had a Weber charcoal insert/holder on the left side cooking food because the grill wouldn't light. He said he did that for 3 years. I bought that encapsulation paint that was recommended. The only other items that were purchased were igniters, thermometer and crossover around $125. Ill just need to see what I could get out of it all cleaned up. I don't have the rotisserie kit for it. Heck I may just keep it!
If you can get it fixed up and running good for what you have into it, you will be a happy man. We all wish you luck and PLEASE, PLEASE, post up pictures of the rehab before, during and after you are done. They we will all be able to monitor your attempts to resell it. I am looking forward to it. And if you decide to keep it, that's cool to.
If you can get it fixed up and running good for what you have into it, you will be a happy man. We all wish you luck and PLEASE, PLEASE, post up pictures of the rehab before, during and after you are done. They we will all be able to monitor your attempts to resell it. I am looking forward to it. And if you decide to keep it, that's cool to.

I will definitely post pictures.
Any recommendations on paint for sides of firebox and polishing the stains on the stainless? Ill attach some pics soon

For paint my suggestion would be Rustoleum grill paint in the semi gloss (not flat) black. Make sure you degrease the pieces and dry well before trying to paint.

Stainless can be cleaned with 0000 steel wool and something like Weber’s exterior grill cleaner or Simple Green. If you need more clout you might try Bar Keepers Friend. Just be CAREFUL to always rub straight in the direction of the grain and avoid making swirling scratches all over. Not all “stainless” stains can be readily removed.
Chris, I use Rustoleum Ultra High Heat 1200 degree paint. I suggest the flat black for the cook box and the satin for the hood end caps.
The photos do not show up for me. But all the magic hoopla about BKF and so on also I do not recommend steel wool on stainless as the pores in the SS will hold little flecks of steel wool and show rust points. Use Scotch Brite pads and oven cleaner (or whatever degreaser you like) and yes run in the grain direction but DO NOT use steel wool and don't bother with BKF it's useless IMO except for polishing.
Well one fun thing about a forum like this is that you get a cross-section of advice and opinions. On the paint, I was lazy and referred to Rustoleum “grill” paint, but Bruce is right that Rustoleum Ultra High Heat is what you want. I have a can of it in black next to me with a shiny cap. The can says “Extra rich color semi-gloss sheen”. I don’t know if it differs from the satin Bruce mentioned, but I like it very much for the side pieces. In the case of an original Genesis 1000 I would also agree with his choice of the flat which around me is sold as Rustoleum High Heat with no description but with a flat black cap. On your Summit I personally think the semi gloss should be used on both the side pieces and the bottom firebox. Looking at your pictures that appears to be what they are now. Of course, it is primarily preference, and you should experiment and see what YOU like.

On cleaning stainless, Larry’s point is excellent and well taken. Steel does pose a rust threat, so a non metal scouring pad is the way to go. I have personally found Bar Keepers Friend to SOMETIMES be helpful. It is not a miracle worker, although I saw one our maintenance techs use it on a porcelain tub that was so bad it was slated for painting or removal. It came out incredibly! How much it helps on stainless depends, I think, on the cause of the stains. Larry has had no good luck with it, but some others here have and do recommend it.

Whatever you use I wish you the very best. Keep the pictures coming!

90% complete, not a total restore, however it looks pretty darn good. I need to spend more time wire brushing flavorizer bars, stainless shelf and grill grates. The bottom shelf is a little beyond touching up with paint. I found a new one for $150 so ill get that. For some reason the rotisserie ceramic isn't lighting...maybe spider webs in line??? I ordered new thermometer and large wheels that haven't come yet. Im not sure if im going to sell or keep??? Ill have $275 invested once I get the new bottom shelf. I looked online for comparison grills and cant find anything to get an idea for pricing. Whats your opinions on asking price?

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Wow! Looks extremely nice and with a solid firebox front it is an exceptional and rare example of this grill. You definitely jumped in with both feet, but you have a very special grill to show for it. I hope you don’t wind up having to buy an infrared burner, too.

I would be hard pressed to part with such a nice grill, but there are at least some buyers who would appreciate it. Could you flip it for some real profit? Maybe. I think You will need to be patient and expect that finding the right buyer may take a while. Write a good ad that emphasizes the relatively unused state, the new parts and especially that it is a REAL Weber. Put it on Craigslist, OfferUp, and any other venue you can for free (Facebook?). We will enjoy hearing how you do, or even that you couldn’t resist just keeping it!

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I used the ultra paint, all they had was the semi gloss. It looks good in my opinion

Looks perfect to me!
It's too ad Weber put those junky stamped grates in such an expensive grill. However you've made that look VERY nice indeed. Me? I think I'd fix that rear burner, invest in some good grates and keep it
Chris, that Summit looks beautiful. Heck of a job on cleaning it up and restoring it !!! I'm glad you didn't run into any serious issues (and that it didn't turn out being a money pit). I'd list it at $500 at least. Go through exactly what you replaced. IIRC, this grill listed for for $2500 or more originally.

As to the roti burner, was there a separate thread on that and I just can't find it ? I thought I saw one the other day, but didn't have time to respond as it was Thunder Weekend here in Louisville. If there isn't, can you go into some detail about what it's doing >?
Thanks all ...I didn't spend much time looking at it. It just wouldn't light. It's getting spark so assuming no fuel. I'll take it apart later this week.

