Need Help with Color Identification



I picked up a 2000 OTG off Facebook Marketplace, in a color that I can only describe as purple. I’m wondering if this grill should be properly described as Plum, Burgundy, or something else? I’m red/green colorblind, so I’m not a great judge of the finer details of some colors. Even if I could see perfectly, I’ve seen people argue over what they think a particular grill is from pictures posted online.

Is there a definitive answer to be gleaned from the model year?
Weber made a burgundy color in that year. See photos:

Not sure what the year is here:
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Thanks, Bob. That’s actually helpful. There’s enough blue in an eggplant that it’s a pretty distinctive color to me. Mine is definitely more red than that - my Better Half said it looked brown under cloudy twilight last night.
Since the high school I went to had colors of Maroon and white, when I found my 18” I named it the “Maroon Giant” (school mascot)!
If I had unlimited funds and space, I’d absolutely have at least one each of Ivory and Deep Ocean Blue MTs for Penn State colors.

