My Skyline Restoration Pics


Robert L in LA

TVWBB Member
Hello everyone. I wanted to share some pictures of my first Skyline restoration. I was in Las Vegas on business and happened to find this grill for sale on Offer Up. I happened to drive and it worked out great because I was able to just pick up the grill from a nice couple. I had fun working on this grill. So far I’ve done this and an 1100 Red Head. Last week I landed a Genesis 3000 for $45! That’s sitting behind my garage. I will start that in the next few weeks. My Wife thinks I’m crazy, but she supports my hobbies. Thank you to everyone who helps me with my many questions about these beautiful grills. Here is a link to the Skyline and my Red Head. Thank you. Robert
Very nice. Looks like someone else has caught the Weber rehab bug.
I would suggest on future grills to remove the end caps from the grill lid before cleaning and painting. It makes things soooo much easier.

What kind of wood did you use to replace the Genesis 1100 slats with and what did you use to finish them?
Welcome to TVWBB and the rehab community.
Strong work Robert! They both look great.
Why didn’t you remove the endcaps when you repainted them? Just curious, I had no trouble breaking mine down which made them easier to handle.
One of these days I will find my dream “Skyline”, well, I hope so.
I didn’t notice Bruce’s comment to the same end, he recommended that when I did mine. I’m going to have to repaint mine, maybe this summer. When I did them I only had flat paint but the caps should be like yours! Can’t have it not be right now, can I?
Getting it right is not as easy as some of you guys make it look!
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That is a great looking Skyline! Welcome as another member of our club;)!


I tagged this thread to add it to our resources for restored grills, specifically restored Skyline grills.
Thanks Bruce. Yes I will remove the end caps starting with the Genesis 3000 I am working on. I never thought of touching those boots unless the end caps were coming off and in need of replacement. I’ll let you know how it goes!

