My Oven As A Faux Cambro?


Bud Brewer

New member
I am smoking three butts on Monday to feed my co-workers on Tuesday. Once they hit temp, I want them to rest for a while before shredding. Wondered if I could use my gas oven as a faux cambro. With the thermostat off & only the pilot burning, my oven maintains a temp of about 125-130 degrees. Would it be good to put the butts in there for a while after the cook, or is it better to put them in a cooler? Also, I plan to have them wrapped in foil after they hit the stall. Would it be better to unwrap or at least open the foil or to leave them wrapped while resting?

Thanks for your insights. Have a great day!
If it's steady it would probably work excellently. Ultimately though you do want your meat to cool down. You need to keep the meat above 140.
When I use a (heated prior) cooler, butt/ribs wrapped in foil and towels on top, it stays hot for at least 4 hr (in fact, too hot hold the wrapped meat with bare hands). I doubt you need the oven's heat, just wrap the meat as I mentioned. You're good to go. No need for the "extra" heat that your oven provides.

For an alternative, I also will put the meat in a roasting pan wrapped with a flannel sheet (smells wonderful after) and put that whole thing in your microwave (if it'll fit). Don't turn the oven on but the insulation in the microwave itself will help preserve that heat.

It might even be detrimental in your gas oven (unless you wrap them) as there is a lot of empty "air" around them. But I'm just guessing with this last comment.
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I haven't seen a gas stove with a pilot that wasn't in a camper in years lol , the oven will hold heat for a number of hrs,set it for the temp you want to pull at and when you put them in there shut it off,4-5 hrs of safe temps easily

