My new bling sliced my fingers open :(



TVWBB All-Star
Received my new 16 gauge flavor bars and my new burners....wooooo hoooooo like Christmas in May!!!! Well I immediately ripped open the grill to install my new burners.....everything was smooth until I came across a burner hold down screw / guide that would not budge. I have drilled out many a screw in my day but this sucker was a bear!!! I broke 3 titanium drill bits on was brittle but very strong! How the heck do u guys drill those out? I eventually broke off the head of the screw and was able to just set the new burners in place and pin em down with the other guide screw. They sure burn nice.....I thought my old burners were in good shape until I saw that beautiful blue flame from the new ones.......I will return to drill out the rest of that screw when I am ready to fight the fight.

So I came home from work to another box from Amazon.....I cut that sucker open and there they the leg lamp in the movie " A Christmas Story " I was like wow!!! look at those babies.....I slid them out of their individual plastic wrapping and stacked them on my counter. My wife was like.....your not gunna go out and put those in now are you? I said of course! I reached down to pick them up and they sliced my fingers like a knife! Im tellin ya these things are sharper then my pocket knife has ever been. Im not here to bash a seller or hurt anyone's business but dang.....buff out the edges man! Im talkin razor sharp! Lesson learned.....I gently laid them in place and hopefully a few very hot cooks will dull these things down.
So the first string classic Weber Silver B Premium now has a new warming rack, new burners, and new very sharp 16 gauge flavor bars......I should be good for several more years.bling 1.jpg


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forgot the sympathy pic....the wife only scrounged up one band aid for me......had to use a napkin and scotch tape for Weber wound #2
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First off those "guide" screws are not meant to be removed. If you can't drill out what is left, then I would try to create a new hole right next to it that you can put another screw in.

I bet there was a warning in or on the packaging for those flavorizer bars. But, I know what you are talking about. Even when I realize they are sharp, I still wind up getting small cuts when handling some sets of them.
Funny,,,,typical China scenario. On the front of the box they state the high quality and that they are free of sharp edges. On the back of the box under cleaning instructions it says to wear gloves to protect from cuts.....hmmmm cuts from what? uhhh Sharp edges? I didnt even realize I was buying from China....
The flavor bars are very sharp.....I on the other hand am not. :)cuts 1.jpg


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Ouch, Jim! Sorry about that happening! If you keep doing grill restorations, you will accumulate some more scars, I am afraid.

I haven't had that kind of experience with flavorizers from Dave Santana/rcplanebuyer (USA) or from Qlimetal (China) for that matter. Still, I guess any long, thin piece of stainless is a potential slicer. "No sharp edges" is definitely a joke.

Yet another safety thing to keep in mind. Constantly thinking about gloves, eye, breathing and ear protection, etc. can get old, but make a big mistake and you will have to live with the consequences. We all need to be willing to stop and be safe even when we don't feel like it.
Ya man my hands are all nicked up from my covid grill resto hobby! I have definitely switched over to a more safety conscious worker but it didnt even cross my mind as I was opening the box for the flavor bars. I cant express just how sharp they are but I am certain they would easily slice a piece of paper. By far sharper then my pocket knife. I am sure they were just stamped and then the edges where spun on a high speed wheel of some may as well have been a knife sharpener! Maybe I will do a vid of them slicing paper or slicing a tomato......

