My First Dance With Homemade Bacon


Benji Chong

TVWBB Super Fan
Had 3 bellies, so used the amazing ribs bacon tutorial and made the 3 bacon flavors that are on the page. Cured for 7 days, flipping every day, then rinsed and threw on the smoker until 150 IT. Threw in the fridge to harden and the sliced! Good Lord this is some good stuff! Can't wait to do it again!




Thanks everyone! My wife and kids have been killing the bacon the last few days. I love how it tastes.

So the way i understand it from my search on the interwebz, the way i made bacon produces more hammy texture bacon rather than the wrinkled up crispy bacon that i'm used to from store bought. Is that because of the wet cure vs dry cure? And cold smoke vs hot smoke?

