My first cook on my new WSM.


B. Harrington

New member
I got my new WSM yesterday and cooked up a couple racks of St. Louis style ribs today. I started the WSM using the Minion method and mixed a few chunks of hickory in with the coals. I foiled the water pan and added a gallon of warm water. I put the well rubbed ribs on when the temp reached about 245. I let it get up to about 280 and kept it there for about 2.5 hours. I foiled the ribs with some brown sugar, honey, & white grape juice (Bigmista style) and put them back on for another 1.5 hours. Let them rest for about an hour and served them up. They came out great, my wife and kids loved them.


Well done for your first cook. You definitely did a text book job there and the results are outstanding. Welcome aboard, we look forward to more cooks from you.

