My Cook Goes Low Tech!


Bob Mann

TVWBB Honor Circle
I set up for a couple of racks of spares today. As my 22 1/2" WSM heated up, my Maverick ET-732 was all over the place, sometimes reading 175F then jumping to 225F. I made sure the connector was seated right, then I changed the batteries, no good. Even though I've handled the probe with kit gloves, I'm betting it went bad, I'm going to order a new one.

Fortunately, I have a Weber old school, mechanical, analog BBQ thermometer. I put it in the probe grommet on my WSM. The end of the stem wound up being about 1/2" below the top grate. Using this thermometer in conjunction with the dome thermometer, gave me one of the best cooks I've had.

Old school is good, so were the ribs!

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I had a very similar issue with my MAV. My solution was to use the meat probe as the cooker probe. Your solution sounds like it turned out well.
There's certainly nothing wrong with simple, I like simple but some mods do make things more fun to play.
How long have you had your Maverick Bob?
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Although I feel it's no where close to necessary,
I've had my Maverick ET73 for over three years now and have had no problems.
I haven't seen too many Mavericks around these days... how is it used to cook ribs:confused: :p

You put a bunch of unlit in the charcoal ring, then you light about 20 in a chimney and dump them on the unlit in the ring when they are, uh, ashed over/melted. I love the smell of burning plastic in the morning... Damn expensive though.
@ "Gary S"
I've had it since the middle of April of this year. I have about 15 cooks on it.

@ "Jim Lampe"
I just use the pit probe alone.

Bob Mann, Howdy;

Did you maybe get a 'kink' in the wire ???
Do an ohm check an see if the value jumps
around when you move the wire.

@ "Hank H"
No kinks.
I didn't check it with an ohmmeter, I'm just gonna buy a new pit probe.
The thing is my ribs came out great using the two analog thermometers. :)
I've only done 5 cooks so far since buying a Mav, and for something like ribs, I doubt I really need it at all. The hood vent might read a little bit different, but close enough to be in a good range. However, as I'm watching football, drinking a beer or two, it is nice to know that I can glance over at the table, and sitting next to my beer is the Mav. telling me that all is good in rib land. It's a nice "have" at these times.;) ))))):::::::::::::>> d

