Mother’s Day seafood extravaganza- coming up



TVWBB Hall of Fame
So I grated 2# of pecorino tonight to serve two purposes. The CI pizzas and a fresh Caesar dressing. That’s maximizing use of the Cuisinart food processor work bowl.

So the Caesar is made and in the fridge for the flavors to marry.

Dinner will be salmon (wife will let me know how she wants it prepared), some 16-20 shrimp and 6 lobster tails. Served along with a baked fig and walnut Brie (Costco, not my recipe), some walnut cranberry bread (also Costco), grilled ‘Gus, and maybe a garlic, EVOO, clarified butter with parsley and olives pasta.

Sourdough croutons will be made too. And hopefully a few nice bottles of grape juice, variety and labels TBD.

Happy Mother’s Day to the moms. And to the guys that helped make them mothers, you’re just a bunch of ………………… 🤣(all rated G here).

Note: wife insisted I post that she only eats the salmon. The other seafood is my doing.

Pics to follow when I cook this.
Sounds like you're setting up for a real nice mother's day for your bride. Homemade Sourdough Croutons? Awesome
Some cooking notes: cold water lobster is better than warm water ones, IMO.

Don’t forget to serve the sashimi like we did. That’ll be breakfast tmrw.

And Rice Krispies are for dinner the remainder of this week. I’m done cooking for a few days.
And that folks is what I would call "THE PERFECT MOTHER'S DAY DINNER!!!!!!"

I would eat everything. lol 🥰
thanks, Joan. i served this bottle for the special day:

as with salmon, it cooks so quickly i didn't get a moment to grab pics.

i cooked around 8" of the tail section marinated in pineapple juice, spg and neutral oil. that was a quick sear and served rare.

i prepped the loins, 4 4"x4" pieces by salting them all over and letting them sit for 10 minutes. then rinsed the salt off and rinsed out the marinating container (it was salty and had salmon juice in it), and then added in seasoned rice vinegar and let that sit for another 10 minutes. then proceed so sear both sides and flipped each side 2x. the sugar in the rice vinegar put a little char on the outside of the salmon and the inside was warmed and rare.

the sashimi, well you know, it's breakfast today and if there are leftovers, dinner tonight.

dessert was the costco Tuxedo cake with MOM inscribed on it, or WOW if you read it upside down and triple chocolate ice cream and espresso ice cream.

the lobster and shrimp were prepared with kosher salt, black pepper, gran garlic, chili flakes and drizzled with clarified unsalted butter with evoo.

definitely a good dinner. the caesar dressing was around 70% consumed. i was lucky enough to steal some for today's lunch.

this is an "easy" meal to make as fish cooks quickly, just that i have to manage shell fish and salmon so a few different cook rates.

with "summer" temps here, we'll be doing a lot more fish and salads types of meals. it hit 90F yesterday and it was 92F saturday.

and the 'gus were charred to perfection. slightly still crunchy with that nose of wood.

i'll try to do better with pics next time. i do like to document my cooks for any future social media i may start/launch.

What’s salad?
you have these skills, easily. the caesar recipe is already posted on this site. i did it a while back. definitely worth making. and you don't need a lot of it to flavor your romaine.
I mean the whole smash buddy, you understand how to make it all “right”!
But, thank you.

