Moroccan Chicken


John Sp

TVWBB All-Star
Hello All,

This was a crazy busy week for us (anyone detecting a trend here?) but I really wanted to do something different on the grill for dinner on Sunday. Friday afternoon, along came this week's installment of the Weber Recipe of the Week, Moroccan Spiced Chicken Legs Under Bricks. I immediately determined to give it a try. I didn't have leg quarters so I went with individual legs and thighs (WD had a sale last week and Kari jumped on it with both feet). I mixed up the marinade between church and my son's baseball game and started the bird soaking. I admit I had serious doubts about the initial product (I'm not a big cilantro fan and the stuff looked like a cross between axle grease and nuclear waste) but I was not in a position to worry about it since we were late for the game. I was pleasantly surprised by the outcome (See the pics and discussion below):

Marinated for Four Hours in EVOO, Lemon, Cilantro, Mint, Cumin, Garlic, Paprika, and Black Pepper

On the Grill Indirect - Pressed Under Bricks (the kids were horrified when they saw me wrapping bricks for dinner)

Temp Check Near End of Cook

End of Cook - Direct to Crisp Up the Skin

Resting Prior to Service


Well this turned out really well. I expected the flavors to be very bold but they were mild and worked together pleasantly. Kari and I commented that we could not pick out any specific flavor as being predominant. It really was very subtle but very complex as well. The kids really enjoyed it (clearly relieved that I was not actually going to serve them bricks) and have asked for it to be added to the rotation. I think it would benefit from a few more hours of marinating time and might let it go overnight next time. I think this marinade would be very good on vegetables as well and might try it on zucchini or even an onion bloom on the next try. Thanks for looking.



Wonderful looking meal. Hope next week is better for you. I know the feeling.
I get the Weber recipe of the week also and when it came on Friday I kinda went "don't think so". Now maybe I'll give it a shot with your recommendations on a longer soak. Sure looks good though.
Nicely done John, I was eyeing that recipe also and you did a great job with it. On a side note....I love cilantro.
That looks great!!

I immediately printed the recipe on Friday and have it pinned up in my kitchen waiting for this weekend. I will probably use a whole chicken, but that shouldn't affect it too much. I did a Moroccan rack of lamb 2 weeks ago and it was fantastic. No pics unfortunately.

Thanks for sharing.
Looks great!

This is probably a novice question but can you explain why you pressed it under bricks? I have never done that on a grill and would be interested in knowing the benefits of doing that.

