Moose Au Poiver Peppered w/ Cognac Cream Sauce


Stefan B

TVWBB All-Star
Friend of mine gave me an assortment of moose that he killed this past summer.
I had THIS decadent steak recipe that i though would be nice with sum moose.

Moose t-bones


Into the pan (i know not bbq, but meaty none the less)

Plated w/ some roasted spuds

Moose was very tender and not gamey at all.
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I've only had moose once. When I was a kid,7-8,my best friends dad cooked some moose burgers. My sisters wouldn't eat them,but that didn't stop me! Don't remember what they tasted like,but I'd try it again! Can't say the same for sweet Pammi Sue,though! ;)

