Monitoring IT of meat on your roti

I've thought about trying to do something like that but could not sort out how to get the wire through the side of the grill.
Honestly, we seem to running down a rabbit hole with the”Digital age” of constant NEED to have every second of every cook sent to a PHONE!? People have been doing this stuff since the Neanderthals, “Grog put mammoth leg by fire, turn, wait, do again“ I’ve been grilling for a LONG time and no one has gotten sick.
OK, kicking the soap box aside,
I have wired, remote, instant read, oral, rectal thermometers for any of their specific uses. You can’t drive a railroad spike with an egg beater (very effectively) so, I guess if this kind of thing makes people feel more ”safe” that’s just the confidence one has in their cooking.
I'm sending myself to the showers on this.
Larry is absolutely right, stop the roti, check the temp and return to spinning.
Good grief!
Never seen that before.
This is why I bought a Meater, a wireless probe perfect for rotisseries. Full disclosure—I’ve never used it!
Excellent choice but I can't justify the cost. That's my adult beverage budget for a month :) I've already got a couple of 2 channel digital remotes. As many have pointed out, there's really no need when spinning a chicken or other hot and fast roti cook so would only use a Meater for longer rotisserie cooks. The Rube Goldburg setup will do me just fine.
I am thinking about getting the rotisserie for my kettle. How do you guys like it? What do you mostly use it for?
I am thinking about getting the rotisserie for my kettle. How do you guys like it? What do you mostly use it for?
Love it. I've got an open fire rotisserie too but it often gets windy here without any warning. Nice to have an enclosed option. Just did my first rack of spare rib on it and they turned out great. Doing a whole chicken this afternoon.
I am thinking about getting the rotisserie for my kettle. How do you guys like it? What do you mostly use it for?
Years ago, I had one. First grill I bought of my own. 22 or 26 in kettle and first thing I got for it was rotisserie. Loved it. I ended up giving the whole thing away when we moved from the city. By then the welds where the handles were was already rusted through. I used the hell out of it
I am thinking about getting the rotisserie for my kettle. How do you guys like it? What do you mostly use it for?
Love it. Have a rotisserie for both my kettle and the gassers. Kettle produces better results for sure.

Highly recommended

