MondayNight BeefRibs


Jim Lampe

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
Not smokin' or grillin' tonight... windy conditions (35 to 65 MPH gusts) so this post was from yesterday's dinner.
Big Beefy Angus Ribs marinated in Stubb's Beef...

I like the "Badger<span class="ev_code_RED">RedHead</span>" so much, i used her again


Used pecan for smoke, the dome temp was steady at 275'F.

I usually cook these for 4 hours or so, butt last night i hurried them in 3.
With an hour to go, i plopped on about a dozen fingerlings (again, I love fingers).

Baked white asparagus with garlic-herb toasted breadcrumbs were also part of this dinner. Here, see?

...and everything was superduper!

Just like tonights winds.
At 8AM today a tornado hit the city of Sturtevant,
about 10 miles southeast of this computer butt only a little over 1 mile from TVWBB member Chuck Dugas' home. Talked with him earlier and he's doin' good...
So anyway, Thanks for swingin' by, and i hope your next dish is delish!
They look awesome, and now I want to try some ribs on one of my kettles.

We had the same winds here, but I grilled on the Performer and everything came out fine.
Thank you guys

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Russell McNeely
o you use minion method...? </div></BLOCKQUOTE>uh huh, a small version.. . about 7 to 10 unlit layered under 7 to 10 lit.
Sometimes more lit and control the temps closing the single vent below the coals.
(this kettle has 3 daisy wheel vents)
Happy to hear that all is well, and that the Badger redhead isn't floating in that big lake to the east of you!

You're killing me with these BR cooks Jim!
And Jo would kill for some of your spears, with the toasted breadcrumbs, she loves 'em that way!

Super cook all the way around!!
Wow Jim, that looks fantastic. Just curious, what's your timeline for doing these on a weeknight (you mentioned you did them yesterday, Monday). I'd love bbq every night but it's 6pm by the time we all get home (pick up kids, etc). How do you squeeze it in?

Is 1hr a good time to shoot for with taters? I'm still struggling with these. I either burn or way undercook. And they seem to be straddling the direct/indirect line..ya?

Thank you again for the nice comments

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Tim L.: ...what's your timeline for doing these on a weeknight (you mentioned you did them yesterday, Monday). I'd love bbq every night but it's 6pm by the time we all get home (pick up kids, etc). How do you squeeze it in? Is 1hr a good time to shoot for with taters? And they seem to be straddling the direct/indirect line..ya? </div></BLOCKQUOTE>Tim, i usually do not attempt long cooks on weekdays if i'm at work all day (until 330).
However, if i'm home at 230 in the afternoon, i can squeeze in a 4 hour cook/smoke. Monday, i got home at 330 and decided to "push" this cook and shorten it to 3 hrs.
Liz gets home 'bout 630 every night and she's not ready to eet until 730 (a time i hate to eet, butt that is our "normal" dinnertime).
As for the potatoes, I never have a problem gettin' those guys ready for the plate. Yeah, these fingerlings were borderline direct/indirect. Depends on the heat, i think taters can stay on an hour without killin' um... these fingers were on that long and they were done nicely.
If i burn a tater, i'll still eet it

My approach to grillin' an' smokin' is:
It's only food. You cannot kill it anymore than it already is.

Thank you again
Those are mighty fine lookin' beef ribs sir.

My last attempt are in my avatar. It's been waaay too long.

Thanks for the inspiration.

