TVWBB Olympian
THIS. spot on. and you've "lit" the fire with your daughter. awesome! same for my kids, 27, 23 and about to turn 19. the oldest has a gasser for outdoor cooking (apartment restrictions from coal/charcoal). the middle prefers the WSK but his GF only can use a pooper where she lives and they don't want to tend to a "fire."@Brett-EDH pretty accurately lays it out.
I’m a charcoal fan, always will be, but anymore the charcoal is special occasion stuff or weekend cooks and not so much weeknight cooks. With 6 kids and work and activities, it’s far FAR easier to fire up the pellet than charcoal. And that’s why I love the Smokefire, it’s got more/better flavor than any pellet on the market (that I’ve had food off of…) and yes less than charcoal. But it’s SO good.
It’s fun to compare and contrast between these pellets and those pellets, and against briqs or lump. And that’s just something you can’t really do with gas (although I’m determined to step my gas game up this summer to where I can actually enjoy something off of it…).
My youngest is 9. She helps me grill and cook. So I bought her an 18” kettle and the smile on her face when we picked it up….was awesome. She knows how to fire up the Smokefire and is learning charcoal now.
as for improving on a gasser, that one is tough. they're super convenient but low on flavor compared to other options. a smoke tube will help and so will pellets or chips in a foil packet.
i'm back to one grill now. it'll be interesting to see how i do without a gasser at hand. i'm not overly concerned as i barely used my Summit S670 over the past two years. i would explore a pooper if one made sense to me. i'm content at the moment. although a Chud Box does seem interesting....