Minor league baseball


Brad Olson

TVWBB Diamond Member
If you like baseball but have never been to a minor league game...go. I first went in 1982 and have been to a number of games over the years, and it's such a different experience than a major league game. Maybe it's not quite as cheap as it once was (Beloit Brewers, 1982: $2 general admission, 50-cent 12 oz. PBRs and 75-cent 16 oz. Old Styles) but it's still a really refreshing change of pace. Plus, minor league teams are well-known for finding creative ways to get people into the park - case in point, tonight's game pitting the Beloit Sky Carp against the West Michigan Whitecaps. How the Skarp ever landed such a distinguished guest is beyond me:

I love minor league. We regularly go the Rockford Rivets games (though their season is so short sadly). Last game of the year was last night. We buy bulk tickets every year. So our cost per ticket is only about $7. They charge $5 to park. So for less than $20 wife and I have a great evening of entertainment and sometimes even fireworks after a game! We love them. We have also been to the new Sky Carp field earlier this year. Wife's company got invited to see a game early in the season from the one of the sky boxes they have. It was catered and everything. Great fun but what a cccccoooooollllllld night it was. Temps were only in the upper 40s. Some pics are from Sky Carp and some from Rivets. I think we'll be hitting some Sky Carp games more now since Rivets are done. Rivets are a Northwoods League team. Not affiliated with any major league. Basically like a college all star league. Kids are not paid, local families host them for the summer and if necessary help getting them to games and practices as well. But last year the Cubs drafted a pitcher directly from the Rivets as did the Sox grab a catcher from there 2 years ago and actually bypassed minor league. I forgot both of their names but both were great players. Both since traded but was great to see them.
Truth be told I would rather watch these "kids" play than go to a major league game. They play truly for love of the game not a paycheck
Living in the greater NY area with two major league teams (Yankees and Mets) already, we don't have any affiliated minor league teams. However, we do have lots of unaffiliated minor league teams in NJ. We've been to the Sussex County Miners, the NJ Jackals, and the Somerset County Patriots games. Parking and getting home beats the daylights out of Yankee Stadium, never mind the price.

I've got to say that minor league baseball has priced us out so far this year, with just getting in the door about $75 for a family of five. Usually I look for a $5 kids deal on Sunday afternoon or something, but so far no luck.

When my oldest son was about five he was selected to "tackle the jackal". The guy in the jackal suit got a head start running the bases and taunting this little kid in hot pursuit. He let my son tackle him to the ground at around the shortstop position. It was hilariously funny.
I love minor league. We regularly go the Rockford Rivets games (though their season is so short sadly).
The Madison Mallards are the Northwoods team around here. Next year you should make a road trip and catch a Rivets game at Warner Park, as it was extensively remodeled a couple of years ago and is a very nice facility now. Plus Beef Butter BBQ and Smoky Jon's are right next door!

I don't know if this is common for other leagues, but the Midwest League schedules really long series. Today's finale between the Sky Carp and the Whitecaps is the 6th game in a row - they've been playing each other since last Tuesday!
I don't know if this is common for other leagues, but the Midwest League schedules really long series. Today's finale between the Sky Carp and the Whitecaps is the 6th game in a row - they've been playing each other since last Tuesday!
The longer the bus ride, the longer the series, I suppose.
We have the Frederick Keys up our way, and much prefer it to major league games. Cheaper, smaller stadium, and a more intimate setting where the players come into the stands and interact with the fans. I might also recommend any little league games that you have in your area. They are usually free and are a really good time, lots of fun watching the kids have fun. With MLB getting into the political area, with decisions that I don't agree with, they won't be getting anymore of my money.
I have been very interested in going to see an Omaha Storm Chasers game, the KC Royals affiliate AAA team. But with the travel and an overnight stay, Royals tickets and parking would be cheaper for us. We really enjoy watching the Royals play and go to a half dozen games a year. With their losing record tickets are fairly reasonable. So, at 20 games below 500, it's kind of like watching AAA ball. Heck, five of the nine starters are are first year rookies from AAA Omaha.
First off, I'm originally from NJ and have to agree with Scott, with the Yankees and Mets so nearby, minor league ball tends to take a back seat. However, the Somerset Patriots are most definitely a fun team to go see play! Just going into the Bronx or Queens is enough to make you hate baseball. For the price of parking at either NY team's stadium, you could go to a minor league game, easy.

Now I live in PA, and we have a minor league team called the "Iron Pigs" that I have not yet gone to see. Perhaps next summer, I'd like to take the kids to a game.

If any of you are in Georgia, this is something I came across today, and man, if I ever have a chance I will DEFINITELY check them out:


They're like the Globetrotters of baseball. They do play some games under actual baseball rules but have these exhibition games where they play "banana ball". In banana ball, games are 2 hours max, there is no stepping out of the batter's box, you can steal first base on a wild pitch, fan-caught foul balls are outs, no visits to the mound allowed, and if you bunt you get thrown out of the game!

It's not traditional baseball, but they've been selling out their games for a few years now, and I must say it's refreshing to see wholesome entertainment baseball somewhere. Plus, the price of admission INCLUDES CONCESSIONS! Everything people hate about MLB has been tossed, and they are just having a blast. The owner studied PT Barnum and Walt Disney and based the experience off of that, kind of like a throwback to some of the old MLB owners like Bill Veeck.
Now I live in PA, and we have a minor league team called the "Iron Pigs" that I have not yet gone to see. Perhaps next summer, I'd like to take the kids to a game.

My oldest was on the Iron Pigs when he played T-ball. :) Great team name.

We were in a tourney in Tallahassee last month and our original plan was to drive down (from here in DC). I was already working on stops in Savannah there and back and hoping to catch a game. They are completely sold out.

I'm still at least ten years from retiring, but one of my criteria for where we will live is that there are sports nearby - ideally minor league ball.
My oldest was on the Iron Pigs when he played T-ball. :) Great team name.

We were in a tourney in Tallahassee last month and our original plan was to drive down (from here in DC). I was already working on stops in Savannah there and back and hoping to catch a game. They are completely sold out.
Their sold out status is no surprise. I signed up for their mailing list in case they come to Allentown!
Savannah Bananas were in KC this summer. We couldn't get tickets, they sold out fast. The local news did a segment on them. They were at the park where the KC Monarchs play, super nice ball park. They are supposed to be back next year so it is a must do.

They're like the Globetrotters of baseball. They do play some games under actual baseball rules but have these exhibition games where they play "banana ball".

The owner studied PT Barnum and Walt Disney and based the experience off of that, kind of like a throwback to some of the old MLB owners like Bill Veeck.
Somewhere, Bill Veeck is shoving his crutch up George Steinbrenner's....;)
I love minor league. We regularly go the Rockford Rivets games (though their season is so short sadly). Last game of the year was last night. We buy bulk tickets every year. So our cost per ticket is only about $7. They charge $5 to park. So for less than $20 wife and I have a great evening of entertainment and sometimes even fireworks after a game! We love them. We have also been to the new Sky Carp field earlier this year. Wife's company got invited to see a game early in the season from the one of the sky boxes they have. It was catered and everything. Great fun but what a cccccoooooollllllld night it was. Temps were only in the upper 40s. Some pics are from Sky Carp and some from Rivets. I think we'll be hitting some Sky Carp games more now since Rivets are done. Rivets are a Northwoods League team. Not affiliated with any major league. Basically like a college all star league. Kids are not paid, local families host them for the summer and if necessary help getting them to games and practices as well. But last year the Cubs drafted a pitcher directly from the Rivets as did the Sox grab a catcher from there 2 years ago and actually bypassed minor league. I forgot both of their names but both were great players. Both since traded but was great to see them.
Truth be told I would rather watch these "kids" play than go to a major league game. They play truly for love of the game not a paycheck
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Have you ever been to a Schaumburg Boomers game?
Have you ever been to a Schaumburg Boomers game?
No it's on the far side for me to go. We have 2 teams within minutes Rockford Rivets (season over as of last week) and Beloit Sky Carp (farm team of either the Marlins or the Rays Can't remember which team. I know they're (Boomers) a fun team to watch but when I have to travel 2 hours round trip it takes the fun out
If you have a chance, check out a AAA game in your area.

For this year, they are using some very cool experimental rules. Most interesting is a more aggressive pitch clock.

Average game time has dropped by 30 minutes to 2:35. Scoring and batting averages haven't changed. Just much less wasted time and a faster pace of play.

If that moved to the majors, I might be tempted to watch and/or attend more games. Under the current slow poke rules, I can only stand to watch the compressed game highlights (5-10 minutes).

