Mexican Fiesta Flat Iron Steak


Mike Coffman

TVWBB Olympian
3 lb. flat iron steak marinated overnight with Grill Mates Mexican Fiesta marinade mix.

Sides are adobo flavored muffin cup cheesy potatoes with onion and chipotle coated corn on the cob.

Potatoes and corn onto the performer, with a couple of chunks of pecan wood.

Potatoes and corn off the grill.

Steak onto the grill.

Steak off the grill, pulled at 132 internal temp.

Steak rested for 10 minutes and then sliced. It is nice and juicy and cooked to a good medium rare.

Plated with Chimichurri Sauce on the steak. Recipe for the Chimichurri Sauce from HERE.

This was one delicious meal! This was the first time I had flat iron steak since I couldn’t find it in any
local stores. So I had my local butcher cut me a couple of them. They definitely have a good taste,
but I still prefer the chuck eye steak. The potatoes were good with just the right amount of flavor
to them. The corn was a tad spicy as I used a bit too much chipotle on them, but they definitely had
a sweet spicy flavor to them and there is none left.

Thanks for looking!
First time with a flat iron? You nailed it, my friend. But those taters are amazing! Eight thumbs up - two from me, and six from the rest of my family.
Originally posted by Barrett Davidson:
Did you just create mini scalloped potato cups? Can you give more info on that? Looks great!

Barrett, that is basically what they were, minus the heavy cream to make them scalloped. If you Google potato muffin cups you find a ton of different ways to make them. I just sliced the potatoes, hit them with olive oil and started adding cheese and onions on each slice until I got to the top. There are so many other things you can add to them, just get creative and fill them with what you like to eat. Make sure you cut the potatoes thin or the thicker pieces will take longer to cook. I just put them on direct and it took about 45 minutes to get them where I wanted them. Hope this helps.
Jim, I am still trying to figure out what you meant by California ***s...
how can i say this without offendin....

Mike, you're on a beach in California where there are a LOT of GORGEOUS women....

