Memorial Day Pork Steaks


Jim Lampe

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
Marinated overnight two rather large pork steaks in this clone
Cored a 2 inch hole in a red cabbage then stuffed it with a gaaaaalic, onion powder and pepper mixture.


added a few small Yukons & tossed it all on the 22"WSM with apple + hickory wood for smoke flavour.
After 1½ hours, the steaks were flipped.



yeah, these pork steaks were 1½" thin ;)


after another hour the pork was Maulled




decided it was time to remove the taters....


and the cabbage....

IMG_2500.JPG lower the cookin' rack to just above the hot coal...


char up a bit of the great sauce and firm up the meat possibly...?


anyway, it was over the coal a few minutes before plating dinner.
the pork was soo tender, twisting a fork in it was quite easy...


and there was soo much pork, even this fat ol' boy did not finish it...
will make a great breakfast tomorrow at work :p

Thank you all for stoppin' by, hope your Memorial Day was special!

I like when you do those monster pork steaks. :)
Like I said before I get happy when I see the pork steaks and then get a little sad because I can't have any.
Just when I think I'm getting the hang of things, Jim comes in to drop a bomb and I realize I know nothing! How awesome was that meal, Mr. Lampe? You are the master.
Great looking cook Jim, How do you core the cabbage? could I do it with just a knife or is something similar but way larger to a apple corer used?
Thank you all for your very nice words, I appreciate them all:o

I like when you do those monster pork steaks. :)
Like I said before I get happy when I see the pork steaks and then get a little sad because I can't have any.
Tony, buy a butt and ask your butcher to cut into one-inch thick slabs.... waalaa! Pork Steaks!

Just when I think I'm getting the hang of things, Jim comes in to drop a bomb and I realize I know nothing!
Ronnie, that's BS:) YOU can do exactly what i'm doing only BETTER! I know, I've seen it!

...Maulls is on my list of things to bring back to the desert.
Glenn, you KNOW Maull's is GreatStuff, I needn't say more;)

How do you core the cabbage? could I do it with just a knife or is something similar but way larger to a apple corer used?
Nick, I use a pairing knife, just start by cutting a centering circle and continue down, removing the cabbage... once you get about an inch down, the circles start getting all cut up (save this stuff for a salad, great stuff!).
Then continue cutting in a circle and cross-cut to remove the bits of c'bage... as a filler, use soften (not melted) BUTTER [preferably WISCONSIN butter], NOT MARGERINE. mixed with gaaaaalic & onion powders and pepper or whatever your heart and tummy desires.
Try using an apple corer, I do not have one. I actually saw someone on another BBQ website use a door hole saw with a drill to bore the hole...
Thanks Jim, Going to have to give it a try. I don't have an apple corer either but I feel like I'm handy enough with a knife to give it a go. Looks really tasty!

