Maverick et-73 mod

A single strand of lamp cord wire is about 18 gauge .........
Or if your really want to buy wire Radio Shack will help you out.
Or ask around your only looking for about 1 pennys worth of wire.
As far as sheilded it only matters if you are concerned about the wire shorting out anywhere you may be routing the wire.

P.S my 6 1/2 inch wire made a huge improvment in range.
I just made the mod, which I could not have done successfully with everyone's detailed input, using a 6.5" strand of solid doorbell wire. Perfect size, trimmed just enough to push the wire into the hole, routed it out the notch in the side for the stand.

Net of it, even though I thought I was getting decent coverage, it made a big difference.

Thanks for all the help.
Checked mine again. Had solder on pads 5 and 6, but no component.

I connected 5 and 6 with a short piece of wire and have the 6.5" wire from 7 routed around the inside of the case, but I don't get any better range than I did before I started this process.
Going back to Antons post with this pic
on page one the black wire was from the factory in hole # 7.

I just added the wire to #7 and did not join
#5 and #6 and got a Big increase in range.

Wonder if anyone has looked inside a replacement with good range since this whole issue came about.

Also remember Darren said they also had a known
crystal frequency issue during some manufacture periods.
I have yet to see where anyone has gotten a replacement since Darren was contacted. Mine was received by them on Aug 4 and I haven't heard a thing.
Makes me wonder if they're still having manufacturing problems.

I seem to recall that some forum members sent theirs back after not getting the range they expected and received another with the same bad range and kind of went round and round 'til they got one that worked satisfactorily (or gave up, I can't remember which).

So maybe Darren is opening each one to see if it has all the parts and really will work as claimed before sending replacements.
Originally posted by Phil S:
I have yet to see where anyone has gotten a replacement since Darren was contacted. Mine was received by them on Aug 4 and I haven't heard a thing.

Bet he is waiting for the fixed ones to arrive to do the current replacement...........
I really beleive Darren is on our side.

He said the people there were trying to figure the problem like doing tests in the warehouse and all..

He really feels bad about the issue and is not happy about the problems in the 100 foot range issue and the manufacture ( China ) I think that is costing him , Them Maverick their Reputation.
Since I purchased my original Maverick a few years ago they've replaced the receiver three or four times for signal problems. None have made any difference so I gave up and resigned myself to the fact that range will always be sporadic with these devices. Lately I can't even keep a signal eight feet apart through a single sliding-glass door.

I'm glad they've finally realized that a problem truly does exist, but I've had it with this product. It's been tempermental from day one, the problem has yet to be resolved, and I'm out a chunk of change constantly shipping units back for replacement. I'm not cheap, just a tad bit irritable. I bought a product that does not work as claimed and am told it's my responsibility to get it fixed/replaced.

I for one have been inconvenienced one too many times. The only way I know how to make a statement to Maverick is to take my business elsewhere and be vocal of my position to anyone that asks.

Could Maverick make good with me? Certainly. Offer to replace my unit (without any further inconvenience) with a tested working unit free of charge and provide a postage-paid envelope to return the old unit.
Can you tell me how long the antenna wire is??
Mine don't have one but I think I will put one in. Thanks for your info.
Signing off from Flower Mound, TX
yeah, thats the technical length it should be, mine was longer though, probably about 9 inches.

I got so po'd at this thing yesterday I almost smashed it into a million peices. Just didn't work yesterday at a range of about 10 feet.

I think I'm done with the technology/bbq combination (except for this group of course).
Anton you can't give up now! You started this little adventure and you need to see it to the end.

Have you called Darren about returning it?
No, I'm just not convinced anyother unit is going to operate as well as I expect. I guess I have pretty high standards.

I think I'm going to go 'old school' and stick with a regular thermometer. We just had a new addition to our family last week so I'm up at all hours anyhow now.

Guess I was just lucky. I ordered my two ET-73's on the first day that they were released, however long ago that was, and they've both worked perfectly for me ever since. Except for that one probe wire that I dropped the log-burner lid on
. Other than that, mine have been great little workhorses for... what... two years or so now, or however long they've been out.
First of all ,no one mentioned how small those connections are :-). For an old guy like me I really had to strain to see everything. Put in some 20 ga solid insulated speaker wire in the little hole. Found that my reception did ,in fact, improve. I was getting readings from locations I had problems with on previous smokes. I was happy with the modification.I appreciate you guys working this one out.
I notice with these that battery strength makes a big difference in range....e.g. replace them often and use the 'old' batteries in something else until they seems new new batteries really help range.

Annoying tho
My unit arrived at Maverick today, the 23rd. Will be interesting to see how long for them to send a new working model.

Phil: They've had yours since Aug 4, have you heard anything? Tried to contact them? I will start with emails and phone calls next week and bug them until I find out something or get my new unit.
No, I haven't had any contact. I figure they're either taking the time to really fix the problem this time or they lost it. The last 2 I sent back were replaced in about a week.

If I don't hear anything this week, I'll call.

