Marti's Martini-Grilled Chicken



TVWBB Hall of Fame

Like your chicken with a little kick in it? Then this is for you!

Marti's Martini-Grilled Chicken

1/4 cup fresh lemon juice
1/4 cup dry gin
2 TB. vermouth
1 tsp. grated lemon zest
1 tsp. sugar
1/2 tsp. dried oregano
Salt to taste
Freshly ground black pepper to taste
1/4 cup oil
4 skinless chicken breasts

1. Preheat the barbecue to medium high (350F to 400F).
2. In a shallow dish, whisk together the lemon juice thru black pepper. Add the oil in a thin stream, whisking until it is emulsified.
3. Place the breasts in a 1 gallon resealable plastic bag. Pour in the marinade, seal the bag and shake to coat the chicken. Refrigerate for 4 to 6 hours or overnight, turning several times.
4. Remove chicken from the marinade. Pour the marinade into a saucepan and boil it for 10 minutes while the chicken comes to room temperature.
5. Grill the chicken for 10 to 12 minutes on each side, or until it is cooked through and a thermometer inserted into the thick part of the chicken reads 165F.
6. Place the chicken on a serving platter and drizzle with the remaining marinade.

Source: "1,001 Best Grilling Recipes"-Rick Browne-pub. 2011
Joan, thanks for sharing this. Never heard of such a thing but I'm sure going to try it. Barb and I both love our dry Beef Eaters martinis with a couple of Mezzetta imported Spanish martini olives which are marinated with vermouth. What a sweet combination this will be
Now I just have to think of a good side.
Yes, yes, yes!!!
OK Joan, you’ve opened a can of worms with the “Olive Rice” two things my wife dearly loves! Is it more involvedmthan it sounds? Sliced olives and some brine in the rice liquid? Mixed? I have a jug of about five pounds of pitted kalamata that should be used, hmmm?
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Timothy, I thought it was just a martini joke at first, then I did a search. There is such a thing. lol
Here is one from the food network.



1 cup long-grain rice

2 cups water

1⁄2 teaspoon salt

chopped fresh jalapenos (optional) or dried chili pepper flakes (optional)

2 -4 garlic cloves, finely choppped

25 -30 green pimento stuffed olives, chopped

3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

soy sauce, low sodium (optional)

sesame oil, toasted (optional)


Put rice, water, salt, jalapeño or chile (if using), garlic, and chopped olives into a pan with a tight fitting lid.

Bring to a boil, turn heat to low, cover, and cook for standard directions for rice.

Fluff with a fork when done, stirring in olive oil.

Serve with or without soy sauce and sesame

Food Network Recipe
OH, looks like another goody to bump up!!! I'm drooling for some of that rice!!!!!
Guess what Joan, Barb and I are having Meatloaf tonight with Broccoli and Olive Rice. Haven't made the rice since we discovered Mezzetta Martini olives imported from Spain and marinated in vermouth. They are the best olives ever, but pricy and hard to find.
This ought to be a treat. :giggle:
OH, looks like another goody to bump up!!! I'm drooling for some of that rice!!!!!
Well a treat it was not! When we made it last time we used low sodium olives we had on hand. It was okay but not spectacular. This time with regular salted olives It was so salty it was not edible! I didn't even add the salt the recipe called for. Also used low sodium soy.
We each had a mouthful and dumped the rest.
Would not recommend this at all.

