Here are 3 recent attempts at making pizza.
First two are on the oven using the baking steel. Last one is on the Kettle Pizza.
July 15, 2017:
I didn't have problems with the dough transfer this time.
I cooked it for 5 minutes @ 450 degrees, then used the broiler on high for 5 minutes.
5 minutes on the broiler was too much.
July 24, 2017:
The dough transfer was fine again this time.
I moved the steel from the 2nd from the bottom, to the 2nd to the top.
I cooked it for 8 minutes @ 500 degrees, then the broiler on high for 3-4 minutes.
I think I still did the broiler too long.
But, I liked how this pizza bottom came out better.
I also think the 2nd from the bottom was a better position, but am not sure. I think 450 degrees was a better temperature, but am not sure.
What do you think/
July 31, 2017:
I used the Kettle Pizza this time.
This dough was a little sticker.
I had trouble with the transfer this time. The back of the pizza (the part farthest away from the peel handle) got deformed.
I didn't have a good fire this time. I also didn't put a lid on the Kettle Pizza, because I didn't want to cut off air flow because of how the fire wasn't good.
I think I know now how to create a better fire, btw.
The top wasn't cooking at all.
After 15 minutes, I gave up and took it off the Kettle Pizza. The bottom was all black.
The 2nd to the last picture is what it looks like after I took it off the Kettle Pizza.
I then put it in the oven broiler for 3 minutes, so I could get the top done.
The last picture is what it looks like after the broiler.
Here's an old picture from January 2017 of my set up:
Given that this is my setup, with that baking steel, how can I get the top better? How can I cook the top? Do I need the lid on?
What else can I do? Assume I can get the fire much better.
If I can't do anything given my steel and overall setup, that's fine. I'll just stick with the steel in the oven.
I don't know if I want to get a smaller cast iron or steel. Right now, it's easier to have 2 simple choices, deep dish cast iron for deep dish pizza, or baking steel for thinner pizza.
If I were to get one more cookware, then I'd have to factor in the size vs. the other two options and that will make it harder for me to decide.
Plus, I prefer making larger pizzas and having left overs.