Make Your Own Seasoned Salt


Chris Allingham

Staff member
From Cook's Country magazine:

1 Tablespoon table salt
1 teaspoon granulated garlic
1 teaspoon sweet paprika (not smoked or hot)
1/2 teaspoon granulated sugar
1/4 teaspoon cornstarch
1/4 teaspoon onion powder

Color will not match Lawry's Seasoned Salt. Cook's says they use turmeric for color, not flavor. Since turmeric is not a common household spice, they omitted it from the recipe.
Hi Chris,

May I recommend that people add TURMERIC back into the recipe? At least 1 tsp. I'm sure you are aware of all the good health benefits of eating TURMERIC.
No, I am not aware of the health benefits. Frankly, I was surprised that they eliminated that ingredient from the recipe. The color seems to be part of the nature of seasoned salt, if you ask me.
No, I am not aware of the health benefits. Frankly, I was surprised that they eliminated that ingredient from the recipe. The color seems to be part of the nature of seasoned salt, if you ask me.

Agree with the colour component being a factor plus benefits (although quantities req'd would probably be more than you'd like--kinda like those "omega 3 enriched products). Useless unless you eat truckloads worth.
From my Facebook post on this recipe, Eric Solari asked, "How does it taste as compared to that which I can buy?"


You-know-who seasoned salt on left, DIY on right

When you taste the DIY version, it's clearly identifiable as seasoned salt. To me, the DIY version has a stronger, fresher taste than the original.

There are some BBQ rub recipes that use seasoned salt as a base. I think this DIY version is a good substitute if you don't have the name brand product on-hand or don't want to buy it, or if you want to adjust the amount of salt in your rub.
Chris, I just made another version of seasoned salt. Made only 1/2 recipe. (except the sugar, used very little) I had some leftover store bought potato salad. I tried the salt on it. It tastes very good. DH is cooking pork loin tonight. Will try some on it and will get back to you.

Seasoning Salt

3 TB. salt (used coarse kosher sea salt)
1 TB. paprika
1 TB. celery salt
2 tsp. garlic powder
1 tsp. sugar
1 tsp. onion powder
1/2 tsp. cayenne
1/2 tsp. turmeric

Makes 1/3 cup

Source: "The Frugal Gourmet Cooks American" Jeff Smith
Oh boy, not only was it very good on the pork, but I also put it on my baked sweet potato and spinach. DH was enjoying it also. Now I wish I had made a full recipe. Can't wait till morning to try it on my eggs.
That looks like a good one Joan! I am making a cruise to Milwaukee and will pick up some spices etc. to restock but, I don’t usually have celery salt of turmeric on hand.
Yes, it was very good this morning on our eggs. I had it in a jar from Spice Island, and was putting a little pinch on at a time. And turning everything yellow. lol Just put a large hole sprinkle top on it. I don't know what it would taste like with plain salt, but that coarse kosher sea salt is fantastic. To be honest, maybe that is why I like it so much. I do love my salt.

Timothy, IF you do make it, I think it would be worth the trouble to buy the Turmeric. Like I said earlier, a little turmeric a day is better than none.
Oh. found another good sounding recipe to use!!

Seasoned Salt

2 1/2 tsp. salt
1 tsp. pepper
1 tsp. sugar
1 tsp. granulated garlic
1/2 tsp. onion powder
1/2 tsp. celery seeds

Sourc: Cook's County- 12/24

