Low N' Slow Pork Steaks


Justin R

New member
I started off with a couple nice thick pork steaks seasoned up with some Penzey's BBQ 3000...

Here they are going on...

This is after a flip, about 1 1/2 hours in. OTG running around 250°-275°

Getting ready to go in a BBQ sauce bath for about 45 min.

Sorry no pics of them in the sauce

Plated up with some mashed potatoes and corn...

Pork steaks were very tender, didn't even need a fork.
...steaks were very tender, didn't even need a fork.
heck, did you use your fingers...???
Justin, you did MAGIC!
Your PS look Absolutely AWESOME! Great Photographs! Great Bath! Great Everything!

I also did-up pork steaks tonight.... now afraid to post them.... you've kicked my @$$!!!
Thanks everybody. Actually finding this site convinced me to buy a Weber over a cheapo offset about 2 years ago. I have learned so much from this site and everybody here.

