Looks like a Genesis Junior

Plus the design. Not many like the vintage design. Many people prefer something more stylish other than their dads or even grand dads grill.
Here's another Weber Genesis Jr.

I was looking for Dave Santana's ad on Craigslist (rcplanebuyer). His ad does drop off from time to time, but I DID find some COOL :cool:grills!

Check out THIS Jr.

What I noticed about this one was the decently intact, flavorizers and grates. Seller claims burners are good, too:


Even a vintage Weber cover. This one is a time warp:o!
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Jon, I can't find his add any more either. Hmmmmm. That JR looks like someone already put some time into it, but it still needs some deep cleaning. I am not sure it would be a good candidate for a flip grill though.
Man, that's a cool looking Junior! I'm such a fan of the wood slat tables, I think I'm going to redo my oak slats with oak and properly measure for the screw holes. Mine are eyeballed, and it's obvious. Also use spar varnish. Man, nice looking grill!
I wonder if one could use some shorter burners of newer genesis with deeper fireboxes and burners running from front to back and use them on a Jr running from right to left.

