Lit the Wolf

LM, I am curious. If you are not using that Wolf anymore than
what you are, why haven't you sold it?
There is sentimental value on it. Even though dad is still alive. It was the last "adventure" we did together. He was the one that helped me disassemble that monstrosity and then just the 2 of us carried it through all those yards at the townhouses in Glenview because there was no access to get it to the front. We had to carry that thing about 400' to get it to the closest point we could get the mini van to. That was 9 maybe 10 years ago. He was no spring chicken (about 85 or 86 at the time) but we did it LOL
Then I have the investment in the grates custom made by Dave Santana to my specifications so I could cook pencil thin asparagus, veggies, and fresh pizza dough right on the grates. And I have not found anything (yet) that can match it for cooking pizza. So, yeah I am a little attached to it :D Even though it's completely impractical for us now.
Larry, food, especially GOOD food is rarely about practicality it’s about enjoyment, family, love. Keep the Wolf for anytime you want that family feast feeling. My parents have both passed and I think of them every time I stand at the stove when the grand children come over and how much my mom and dad would have loved to make them breakfast. Keep that Wolf until you want to give it to me!😉
I think it's that way with my son in law. He has my old original Genesis 2 (now a 3), I gave him and has kept it far beyond it actually being practical. He can certainly afford a new high end grill. I am sure far better than a Genesis. About 2 (or 3?) years ago, his roofing contractor smashed it into bits with a loading machine. Literally flattened it. I wrote about and even posted a photo of the carnage. Another very kind member was going to be driving out this way had an extra frame and was kind enough to donate it to the cause. The grill "lives on", but in the melee that caused the original carnage the internal mount for the front burner was broken off and I could not get it to be securely mounted though the grill worked. Now since I am retiring the last Genesis I have, due to a totally rotten frame, the fire box and many other parts are still very much useable. So they will do organ donation.
I think he keeps it because his FFIL (favorite father in law) gave it to him, and knew the long history it had here. So he was really excited when I told him if he wanted to keep it going well, I would take all those parts over to keep the legacy going even though the only things that will be original will be the control panel and lid.
So even though he could likely afford something like a new top of the line Napoleon or other premium. He's quite happy keeping the legacy running
I think it's that way with my son in law. He has my old original Genesis 2 (now a 3), I gave him and has kept it far beyond it actually being practical. He can certainly afford a new high end grill. I am sure far better than a Genesis. About 2 (or 3?) years ago, his roofing contractor smashed it into bits with a loading machine. Literally flattened it. I wrote about and even posted a photo of the carnage. Another very kind member was going to be driving out this way had an extra frame and was kind enough to donate it to the cause. The grill "lives on", but in the melee that caused the original carnage the internal mount for the front burner was broken off and I could not get it to be securely mounted though the grill worked. Now since I am retiring the last Genesis I have, due to a totally rotten frame, the fire box and many other parts are still very much useable. So they will do organ donation.
I think he keeps it because his FFIL (favorite father in law) gave it to him, and knew the long history it had here. So he was really excited when I told him if he wanted to keep it going well, I would take all those parts over to keep the legacy going even though the only things that will be original will be the control panel and lid.
So even though he could likely afford something like a new top of the line Napoleon or other premium. He's quite happy keeping the legacy running

There are better grills, for sure, your Wolf being a great example. And, I know Weber didn't do right by you. Nonetheless, I still love cooking on my Weber grills! To me, it's part of Americana.

OLD FLORIDA 🌴PHOTO (I hope to do a new Indiana 🌽one this summer!)

Jon & Weber Final.jpg
I particularly like the judicious use of the “corn” emoji!
Hope Indiana treats you well. This weekend I might have to try to get a shot of the “kitchen” here, it’s going to be a busy place!
There are better grills, for sure, your Wolf being a great example. And, I know Weber didn't do right by you
Actually in the case of the Genesis I was using. My decision to retire it really has nothing to do with how they dropped the ball on that Summit. The frame is just so far gone and really beyond my "practical" skill level that it's just not worth it to me to carry on with it any more. I am finding I use the gas grills very very little now. So in reality other than seeing on the deck I am really not "missing" it all that much. Plus I had no "attachment" to it. I went up to Sun Prairie IIRC one day on a tip from Bruce as it was in good shape and VERY cheap. Other than the gas I used I paid $25 for it. I had a whole nice set of custom flavo bars made by my dad's friend the burners were in perfect condition (still are just need a good cleaning), honestly the only "money" I put in it was a new igniter. I got no complaints. I'm just at a point of not really needing it and not having the ability to truly repair the frame. My SIL will make great use of the parts, and what he can't use that is still good once determined I will offer up here. And other than the rusted out hulk of a frame it will live on (in pieces) :D
There are better grills, for sure, your Wolf being a great example. And, I know Weber didn't do right by you. Nonetheless, I still love cooking on my Weber grills! To me, it's part of Americana.

OLD FLORIDA 🌴PHOTO (I hope to do a new Indiana 🌽one this summer!)

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Jon you reaally more deck elbow room there!! but very nice family look to be well fed too.

