Life is too short for bad paper towel holders


Chris Allingham

Staff member
I've been living with a 24 year old paper towel holder in the kitchen that doesn't handle today's bigger rolls and doesn't hold the roll securely when you try to tear off a towel with one hand.

I recently broke down and bought the simplehuman Tension Arm Paper Towel Holder in stainless steel finish. I can now buy big rolls of paper towels at Costco like a normal human being, it's got a heavy base so it stays in place, and it actually holds the roll in place while I tear off a paper towel.

I couldn't be happier. Even my wife, whose midwest upbringing makes her say "we don't need that" most of the time, says I was right-on for buying this new holder.

Life is too short to suffer a bad paper towel holder. Get the simplehuman Tension Arm Paper Towel Holder.

Thanks for the tip, Chris !

We've had excellent service from the Simplehuman soap dispensers. Seems our oldest dispenser is close to or just past 10 yrs old.
My ex-sister-in-law was a bit fanatical about cleanliness and sanitation. One year before Christmas I noticed a far too expensive gadget at Costco online and knew it was the perfect gift for her. It was an automated paper towel dispenser. When you wanted some paper towel you held your hand under it in a certain spot, which interrupted a light beam. As long as you held your hand there, it would dispense more towel from the roll. When you moved your hand away it would stop dispensing and then cut the paper. You want two inches of paper towel? No problem. You need two feet of paper towel? No problem. And no cross contamination when you reach for a paper towel with raw meat juice on your hands.

She didn't get the point at first but after my brother installed it for her she thought it was the greatest thing ever. She said the only problem was whenever they had people over they all wanted to play with the paper towel dispenser.

Sadly, I never actually saw it in action as they lived quite a ways away and have since divorced.

BTW, if anyone can recommend a good under-cabinet paper towel holder I'd be interested. I hate the one we have and every time I've looked for one in the store the either don't have anything or all they have is cheap plastic junk. I'd give the Simple Human one a try but I can't afford to lose counter space to the paper towels.
Of course, it also helps to have a good quality paper towel with good perforations. The big Costco rolls tear so easily on this simplehuman holder, but the last couple of Target rolls I'm using up...not so much.

