Life begins at 800



TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
Been an insane couple weeks but managed to squeak out a cook. Went and saw my son at his work, and he handed me two packages of "Chuck Eyes" and he said "see what you can do with these." I brought them home and gave the a good soak in the Montreal Steak seasoning (envelope that you add oil to)

I fired up all the burners on my S330 and pegged the dome at 800+, threw these babies on, 3 minutes each side. Freaking amazing!!!! I don't know if it was the Montreals, the steaks themselves or the S330, but my gawd they were amazing. ChuckO highly recommends the Chuck Eyes, but and full blast, if you can't hit 800 then you can't play :)


Hope to check out all your cooks in the next day or two, grateful to God that Tony and his family are safe, prayers that everyone remains safe
Great cook Chuck, chuck eyes are one of our favorites when we can get them, as long as you don't over cook them they are great. I've got a E320 NG it gets hot but not that hot due to being NG and the 5400+ ft. altitude, great grill though.
Having a son as a Butcher in training has its benefits doesn't it Chuck.
WOW 800*, that's Pizza cooking temp..
I still have never seen a Chuck Eye steak where i live.
That looks so delicious awesome job Chuck. It doesn't hurt to have a son a butcher in training either!!!:D
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A friend turned me on to chuck eyes back in college when money was tight. They are a good cut. I'd buy them still, but I rarely see them in the store.

