Lettuce burger lab test


Geir Widar

TVWBB Wizard
As a result of this thread, which I think is great, http://tvwbb.com/showthread.php?40234-Lettuce-on-Your-Burger-Bottom-or-Top, I just had to try.
A double lettuce juicy lucy burger!
Let’s throw all rules regarding lettuce on burgers over board, and see how this goes. Will it implode, be poisonous, or just ugly?
Let’s find out!
I bought a part of a dead cow, and made these. I even cheated, and did not grind the meat myself, as I usually do.

English cheddar is in the middle.

On the grill. Holding up just fine, just minimal leakage.

Buns and some tomatoes added

And plated. Looks OK to me?

There is nothing wrong with the taste, either.

So, for me, the answer to the question if you should put lettuce on top or bottom off the burger, the answer is simply “Yes”.
I have never thought about it before I read the other thread.

As always, thank you for your time.
Great looking burgers Geir. When You make them for me, would you be upset if if I moved those
top leaves underneath the top patty? Ha Ha. I would eat them just as you made them.
Fantastic looking burger!!! To be honest I never really paid any attention to where any of the condiments on my burger were.
Well, I'm a rebel? (I really liked Bob Sample's post. I think it must have been the first time someone have called me that. Thank you, Mr. Sample!)
Besides, it was getting late, the rain was pouring, it was cold and I was hungry.
I have to use the gasser sometimes, don't I?

I think I have run out of bad excuses.. :)
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ok man, we'll give you that (at least I will)....
i got a Weber gas grill i ain't using and gonna sell, ain't EVER made a burger on it that looks HALFWAY as good as yours...

now, besides that let us & the grilled tomatoes on your dead cow meat, what else you got there? looks busy...

and, how much dead cow did you buy?
Geir I'm not convinced...you need to fed ex me a couple and I'll let ya know!

Super great looking burgers...gas,coals...whatever! You got grill shots so it's a keeper!

Nice work!!

