Let's Dance 2023!


Brad Olson

TVWBB Diamond Member
Did your favorite school/alma mater get in? Conversely, is there a team you can't wait to see get knocked out?

For some reason CBS' Seth Davis picked my Drake Bulldogs to make it to the Sweet 16 in Kansas City. That's an awesome road trip if it comes to pass...
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After a couple championships in the last decade, my Wildcats aren't even in the tourney this year. :cry: In their absence, maybe I'll become a Drake fan for the time being.

So my focus has turned to baseball. And there's plenty of that on right now, between Spring Training, College ball and the WBC.
How about FDU!! 2nd time in tournament history that a 16 beat a 1. And no player taller than 6'6 I think. Purdue has a dude who's 7'4.

Props to FDU

