Last weekend's cook + some "harvest"


Jim McKelvey

TVWBB All-Star
Howdy folks....picked up a new 22.5" OTS and decided I should break her in over the past weekend. It's been a while since we've had chicken, so I thought I do a brined (brown sugar, K salt, water), split bird, indirect, seasoned with Weber's Kick'n Chick'n.


Also looked up Pioneer Woman's mac and cheese recipe and figured I'd try that out too - smoky style! With some bacon and cooked in the WSM in a CIS. Sounds good - right?!


Added a few cream cheese stuffed peppers from the "harvest"



Chicken coming along...


And the plate, with fried green plantains and a Mike's Lime drink.


Looks can be deceiving! Chicken was average...a bit salty. And the mac and cheese was a little too "casserole-like" for out tastes. Flavor was good - but I think I would stick with a creamy recipe in the future or just skip flour /egg. Plaintains and stuffed peppers were the winners. Chicken was a disappointment Going to have to go to the old standby RSC next time.

The grand finale was our 30lb watermelon...biggest I've ever grown!


Thanks for looking...Be happy - tomorrow is Friday!!!

Good lawd, that is one big Mellon! I tried growing them but I failed (head hung in shame). I tried tomatillos and failed, corn and failed. I think I have my Mom's brown thumb, my pic is posted at nurseries around the state. Great looking chicken, peppers and Mac!
Love the look of that chicken. About the "harvest"... I can't stop eating watermelon. For about three weeks now. It's super sweet and super cheap at the farmer's market. Breakfast, lunch, dessert... huge slices of watermelon. The scary thing is I'm not tired of it. I've got a jones for the stuff. I may need to check myself in.
Great looking bird and garden goodies Jim!

And a beauty of a watermelon!
It's reminds me that I haven't had any yet this year.
I like it ice cold with a sprinkle of salt.
Great food and great harvest, Jim! I tried that Mac and Cheese recipe a few weeks ago and pretty much feel the same as you do about it.
This rainy summer was a joke to all home growers in Sweden. A few mater raised on free land..Salad grows in any weather...But the chili´s and bells is no were to be found. Congrats to the SUPERB looking food...´n harvest!

