I went with thick engineered cherrywood flooring for our house in Danville.
Lots of square feet in that house but between the wife ,son, my brother and I we did well.
That job went well and hasn’t given us any issues.
It was definitely easier to click together than vinyl.
In Sequim I recently (last year) put in vinyl flooring.
It was much harder to click together and I have had a couple issues with it that were due to installer error.
In my defense the contractor flaked out on me after 2 days and disappeared so the wife and I finished the job.
One issue is I have an area length about 70-80 feet with a heavy couch and a wood stove neat the middle.
When the floor heats up I can see a 1/16” of semi separation at area due to being perpendicular to the length.
I ran the boards with the entrance view not with the length of the floor.
Another issue was a small bathroom had a concrete floor under it with too much underlayment (padding) .
It felt soft for 6-8 weeks until it separated

Our vinyl flooring looks almost identical to yours Chuck.
It also has slight grooves or a grain to it.
I find myself working harder to clean it when I’m not scrubbing with the grain.
Our robot thing has a setting that can sense that and go length ways with it.
We asked Costco if the flooring was to go on sale and were told if we waited 4 months we could save 30%.
So we waited and the pricing worked out better for us.