Kirkland Stainless Grill - is this a new thing?

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As I have a Costco nearby, the gas savings alone cover the membership. There are certain dietary supplements and food items that are great deals, so we go in occasionally, with a rotisserie chicken as our fast food that day lol. No big bulk buys any more as the nest is empty. Frugal folks can get good value there if they do their homework.

Although I can understand some people getting carried away with their spending and loyalty, I think the gas savings alone make it an excellent value, if it's nearby. My biggest complaint is the discontinuation of the carrot sheet cake with cream cheese frosting.
We have both Sam's and Costco memberships. We save more than enough to pay for the memberships and then more. With Sam's we even save enough to cover our daughter's membership as well. And yeah gasoline alone is a HUGE saving for us. Around here Costco is typically .50 to .70 per gal less than anywhere else. My Highlander typically will need a fill up of 10 to 12 gal at a time Big saving. That's just one car. Though the other car uses WAY less than the Highlander due to being a hybrid. It's definitely worth it to us
Lots of Costco hate being tossed around. Other than seasoning IDK what chemicals there are. I have recently had both Sam's and Costco rotisserie chickens and both have been deeeelish no trace of weird or chemical tastes
I always use Costco travel for rental cars. I like that they give 4 agencies all on one screen to compare prices. I guess it is possible that I could get something better by wading thru Kayak or whatever but the prices always seem good and it is simple with that grid on the screen
When I was travelling a lot, I found that Costco was the best and cheapest way to rent cars. Plus the prices on the "4 agencies on one screen" include all fees and taxes, making it even easier to compare. Renting though Costco also includes a second driver at no cost.
I would reserve a car as soon as I knew when/ where I was travelling, and check prices every few weeks prior to leaving. Sometimes the costs went down substantially (sometimes up). If cost went down, I would just make another reservation and cancel the previous one.
Best deal I got through Costco was renting a Jeep Grand Cherokee for $39 for three days.
Having worked in car rental and airlines. One HUGE piece of advice. Always book with the company themselves. I.E., American, United, National, Avis, etc. When you book with 3rd party companies (especially with airline travel) you can risk being left stranded because you will likely be buying bulk class tickets that are themselves sold though another 3rd party. I used to see it so many times. It made me sad. People would be stranded halfway across the country with a UA boarding pass, a Delta ticket number, and an itinerary booked through multiple airlines with no contract of carriage with UA. You THINK it won't happen to you but it happens and it's awful when it does
Having worked in car rental and airlines. One HUGE piece of advice. Always book with the company themselves. I.E., American, United, National, Avis, etc. When you book with 3rd party companies (especially with airline travel) you can risk being left stranded because you will likely be buying bulk class tickets that are themselves sold though another 3rd party. I used to see it so many times. It made me sad. People would be stranded halfway across the country with a UA boarding pass, a Delta ticket number, and an itinerary booked through multiple airlines with no contract of carriage with UA. You THINK it won't happen to you but it happens and it's awful when it does
I flew standby out of O'Hare to San Diego on a friend's UA employee discount. I saved a ton of money on the flight, but it got a little hairy coming home. I came super close to getting bumped off the return flight along with pregnant wife and two little kids. They called me up to the desk to prepare me for it during boarding but it worked out last minute.
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