Kingsford White Bag


russ olin

TVWBB Platinum Member
I had the privilege of using Kingsford 100% Natural Lump Briquets. I like I like. The lump Briquets fired up very well. Like all briquets produce lots of smoke. But the smoke is very pleasurable smell compared to the stink of the blue bag. The new briquets held the heat very long. And produced a very fine light white ash. They produce more ash than lump, but all briquets seem to. Already been to the store & grabbed 2 more bags. i think that it will be a good charcoal to mix 50-50 with my other favorite briquets, Stubbs. Will try this next. My favorite charcoal is Rockwood. But can see myself using lots of Kingsford White bag.
Definitely Old Grill Goat approved. Great job Kingsford. Happy Grilling.
Rockwood lump is great stuff, but kind of pricey even here MO where it comes from.
A local store has the white bag K, but it's over $13 a bag, so I'll wait until I find a better price.

