Here is the promo code:
What you will need to do is replace all of the R's with random numbers from 0 to 9. You need to replace them all. If you enter in a code that was already used just change a number or two and you should be good.
Ordered 6 twin pack from Lowes. Used a $15 off of $50 coupon that I found described over on Brethren.
Website says Limit 2, but doesn't stop you from adding 6 to your cart and checking out.
EDIT: DOH, it looks like the fixed the website to enforce the limit. Just added 6 to my cart and it switched me down to 2.
I didn't need/buy any, but the smaller bags are easier to lift out of the Performer's coal bin for us arthritic seniors.
Costco has 2 18lb bags of the competition briquettes for $15.69 through 6/10.
Is this stock up worth, or should I wait until the 4th?