King salmon on the new used 22


Morgan C.

TVWBB Diamond Member
Saturday we did a little trolling for the elusive king salmon( at least they are this year) and did end up with a little one....

So we employed the new 22 freebie we just aquired(posted on the weber charcoal a few minutes ago).. Anyhow we started with a fresh piece of salmon, garlic, S&P, dill, green onion and some brown sugar and butter!

Looked like this starting up the coals with a vitamin R waiting in the background!

We did the rails full on the sides with some soaked alder pieces and a little foil pan for a vessel!

Add some crashers and corn with olive oil & Cajun seasoning!

And some cheese to the taters!

And plated with some red wine and dill sauce which was just ok and really wasn't nessesary!

Thanks for looking...
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Great job on catching the elusive King Salmon and a fantastic cook, Morgan!

Your son looks like he has all he can handle to hold that fish up for the photo.:)

Glad to see you were being healthy and taking your vitamins.:cool:
Great looking fish dinner and you can't get it much fresher than that unless you ate it on the boat!!
The thing that makes this better than my recent salmon cook is that you can actually catch your own!! Everything looks amazing!
wow! I don't which one I like better? The salmon? or the taters? Both looks fantastic!!!!! Great lookin' meal!!!!!
Thanks for the great replys! Fresh king salmon is the best!

Rolf there are many posts for the crasher potatoes on here! My version was golds boiled till tender (20 minutes or so, set in a CI with some left over bacon grease, mashed down a bit with a masher and drizzled with some oil sprinkled with a italian seasoning, little left over bacon from breakfast, on the grill for 20 or so and a bit of shredded cheese at the end! These could have went a bit longer but I was hungry and didn't want to overcook the fish!

Mike that was a just legal at 28 inches! I have seen 80 and 90 pounders but real rare!

Thanks agin !
Looks like you and Jim L are on the same page, cookwise, you score points for procuring your own fish.
Terrific meal Morgan!

