Kinda cool Genesis lid color

Paul, that is one of the more rare lid colors out there. I would hang on to it unless you just really don't like it.
Cool! Not your everyday Weber hood. With a little work - OK, more than just a “little” - that could be a stunning grill!
Paul, if you have not done so already, be sure to cast your vote for favorite lid color here:

It looks like the grey is one of the least favorite colors, so it could certainly use some votes. There are members here that have reported having to throw the grey lids out because they could not give them away...seemingly nobody wanted them. I think they present a very conservative image, not so much in your face as maybe a red or a burnt orange...much more dignified and stately, in my view.
I have a Gray lid on my 5000..
a Brown lid on my Junior...
and a Blue lid on my Platinum II...

I guess I have a thing for the different colors Weber used besides the rather mundane Black,

One thing about the greys is that they look rather plain without the pinstriping, almost the color of stainless steel, and not nearly as appealing (to me, anyway).
Hey, checking back in here. This grill actually isn't mine, I found it for sale online. I do like the color, but I'm already well over my capacity for incoming grills to work on.

This one is listed for $200. I'm probably not going to be able to take this one. I'd hate for this to go to waste, though. Would be fun to see it inducted into the tvwbb family. Anyone out here in California looking for a rare lid?

